This portion of the document exists to demonstrate the functions and characteristics of the FMS (Flight Management System) simulated within the TFDi Design 717. The FMS installed in this aircraft can be used for various activities such as flight planning, navigation, performance management, airplane guidance and even the progress of the current flight.
The key role of the FMS is to provide a flight management function to the crew operating the aircraft driven through two VIA (Versatile Integrated Avionics) computers and two MCDU’s (Multifunction Control and Display Unit’s) installed in the left and right side of the forward pedestal.
The FMS functionality is calculated by the FCP (Flight Control Panel) on the glareshield, pilot input within the MCDU, various flight controls settings, and other necessary data needed for standard flight operations. The progress of the flight is monitored through the MCDU and the EIS (Electronic Instrument System).
After pilot input, the FMC (Flight Management Computer) then generates a flight plan from the ICAO entered as the origin and the ICAO entered as the destination. The FMC will then guide the aircraft throughout the waypoints calculated while also taking into account provided roll, pitch, speed and thrust commands to the FCC (Flight Control Computers).
The FMS supplies guidance and control to the aircraft through the following control modes:
The FMS data translates to the autopilot/flight director through steering commands and target limits. The FMS supplies the following:
All generated data, command line entries, and performance data are displayed on the MCDU. Each flight mode contains its own page(s) that can be found within the MCDU.
Other functions of the FMS include flight number identification, initialization, position referencing, radio tuning, navigation reference, performance, thrust limiting, takeoff, approach, go around, maintenance, sensor data, route data, route legs, route progress, and standby operation.
The FMS requires electrical power to be supplied to the aircraft so the FMC is able to operate. Disruption of electrical power supply to the FMS may interrupt operation, but the FMS is able to store enough data so once sufficient power is connected, the FMS is able to recover.
The many phases of flight include the vertical profile and speed modes, PROF and SPD respectively. As stated in the introduction, the FMC takes this information into account along with the FMS as it will supply lateral navigation guidance to follow the waypoints along the route provided by pilot input.
The flight may be divided into a multitude of categories or phases labeled as PREFLIGHT, TAKEOFF, CLIMB, CRUISE, DESCENT, APPROACH, and DONE (FMC Reset).
While the PREFLIGHT phase is in sequence, the following must be done to complete this phase:
The TAKEOFF phase leads up to the acceleration altitude. PROF, FMS SPD, and NAV modes are normally engaged at or above 400ft. Thrust is reduced automatically at the thrust reduction altitude. Optionally, PROF mode may be armed on the ground and will engage at 400 feet as expected.
The CLIMB phase leads from the acceleration altitude to the T/C for the cruise flight level entered on the F-PLN INIT page located on the MCDU. During CLIMB, FMS SPD/PROF climb mode, when engaged, do the following:
The CRUISE phase is then initiated at the T/C point and extends to the T/D (Top-of-descent). Functionalities included within the CRUISE phase are step climbs as well as en route descents. In order for a step climb to work correctly, a new target altitude must be set on the FCP. During en route descents, this function is initiated by flight level change or vertical speed mode, in which a new cruise flight level must be entered into the MCDU.
The DESCENT and APPROACH phases are then initiated from T/D or at a point where the pilot manually starts the descent with a flight level change or V/S mode is engaged. At this point the FMS will the calculate the appropriate point in which the aircraft should start its descent and then the descent will be initiated given the altitude has been lowered on the FCP and PROF, FMS SPD modes are engaged. Upon descending to the destination, when the ILS (Instrument Landing System) localizer and glideslope are intercepted NAV and PROF mode will be terminated. In the event where a missed approach is executed, NAV and PROF mode can be engaged to automatically fly the MAP (Missed Approach Procedure) indicated on the ND (Navigation Display). After landing and engine shutdown, the FMC goes through the DONE phase, which resets its state.
The FMS is able to operate in multiple forms of instances given there is sufficient power provided to the FMC. Under normal conditions, an FMC operates in unison with the other which is known as DUAL mode. During this mode, the FMC will be able to take data entries from either MCDU. The crew is also able to view different pages shown on the MCDU and fill out the required entry slots for standardized flight. The other forms of modes the FMS operates under are listed as INDEPENDENT and STANDBY modes. Either of those modes will be triggered under abdominal conditions such as insufficient power to the bus supplying power, disconnection of external power with no other source of connection, or a failure that would reduce the electrical power needed to have the FMC function to its fullest capabilities.
In the event of an FMC failure or a need for standby operation, the pilot can activate STANDBY mode. This is done by pressing LSK 1R on the MENU page.
STANDBY mode provides limited flight plan access, STANDBY PROGRESS, and standby NAV RAD functionality. Images of some of these pages are below.
When possible, the pilot can return the MCDU to standard operation by pressing the LSK 1L on the MENU page.
Airplane position and groundspeed is calculated based off of the location and velocity data collected from the GNS.
As the aircraft continues through its scheduled route, the FMS references to the aircrafts position in relation to stored navaids to tune into the nearest VOR/DME stations to be able to form an accurate estimate of its current location.
Navaids can be classified as a VOR, DME, VOR/DME, VORTAC, or LOC. The process of selection between either are primarily chosen by the range of the station and its relevance to the aircraft.
The way the aircraft is able to determine its location during initial cold-and-dark start up is through the FMS through coordinates provided. The navigation reverts to IRS update only when GNS is not available or engaged.
The various modes of the FMS speed calculation and performance used for the aircraft vertical profile are categorized by the following:
Performance mode on the MCDU provides a various amount of information useful to flight such as optimal speeds for flight, fuel consumption and gross weight, predicted time for fuel by waypoint, predicted time to next waypoint/destination, distance from current waypoint to the next, optimal altitude, maximum altitude, and approach speeds.
Flight path predictions are calculated by the FMS using data such as origin-to-destination course based on gross weight, cost index, predicted cruise winds, constraints at waypoints, and modes indicated for climb, cruise, descent and approach. Allowances for takeoff and acceleration required between legs are factored in. These predictions are updated periodically throughout the course of the flight to incorporate airplane performance and groundspeed.
Descent path is calculated off of the assumption that thrust during descent is at idle above the speed restriction for the altitude and slightly above idle below this altitude. The calculation point starts at the destination airport and backtracks to intersect the cruise altitude, creating what is known as the T/D point.
Approach speeds are calculated using gross weight and deceleration segments between configuration changes to arrive at the final approach speed 1000ft above the destination airport. The VAPP (final approach speed) accounts for 5 knots above 1.23 multiplied by the VREF. Alternatively, VAPP can be changed by the pilot to account for discretion.
For the FMS to calculate accurately, fuel, weight, temperature, and center of gravity values are needed.
The calculation for fuel and weight begins after engine start and is based on tank readings and time integration of the fuel flow for each engine (FF+FQ).
Waypoints inserted into the FMS through the MCDU are displayed on the ND (Navigation Display) map, and during descent, a vertical deviation indicator is shown to present the pilot with any possible deviation from the indicated path. The Flight Mode Annunciator is displayed on the Primary Flight Display to aid the pilot into the correct track for descent.
As stated previously, there are three modes that are able to assist in optimal performance during standard flight. These modes are known as NAV for lateral guidance, and PROF for vertical guidance, and FMS SPD for speed/thrust control. These modes can be engaged through the FCP.
While NAV mode is engaged, the aircraft will aid in lateral guidance through the primary flight plan engaged in the FMS. The FMS compares the current location along with the desired flight path and is able to command steering to the auto pilot and flight director. At this point, the aircraft will then fly along the desired path along with allowing the pilot to make direct navigation from present location to any waypoint shown in the MCDU.
TAKEOFF, CLIMB, CRUISE, DESCENT and approach phases all require the use of vertical guidance through the use of data entered into the FMS during flight planning.
During CLIMB, the vertical profile is used by the AFS to control thrust based on FMS thrust limits and speed targets. The aircraft will use climb thrust to achieve the altitude constraint indicated. The aircraft will then level off at an appropriate speed until the restriction is passed, at which point the aircraft will continue to utilize climb limit thrust. In the event there are no restrictions for speed, the FMS will utilize the selected performance mode. Once cruise level is achieved, the FMS will maintain its current speed until DESCENT phase has been initiated.
During the DESCENT phase, the FMS will cross reference waypoint altitude and speed restrictions to be able to provide optimal descent performance. The calculations for the optimal descent are based on the path to the first altitude constraint assuming IDLE thrust and a descent gradient that maintains the scheduled speed or speed restriction, also taking into account for predicted wind conditions. During this phase, PROF mode controls the aircraft pitch, while instructing the pilot to use the speed brake in order to maintain speed if an unanticipated acceleration is to occur. If speed is to fall under 10 knots of the target speed, the thrust will begin to advance to achieve the speed indicated.
The following are brief descriptions of the FMS software functionalities:
The FMS uses the performance database to predict in-flight performance and perform flight path and trajectory predictions.
Material stored in this database include accurate airplane drag, engine model data, optimum speed data, maximum altitudes, and maximum/minimum speeds for standard use relevant to the flight.
Data must be entered into the scratchpad from left to right. After data entry has been placed into the SP field, a LSK must be pushed in order for the FMC to accept the value.
Data entry placed on either FMC will be transferred between both FMCs in correlation to the corresponding LSK when inserted. In the event where both MCDUs receive input, the master FMC assumes that it’s input was recorded first, thus inputting the recorded data into the LSK selected. This allows both pilots to operate independently to speed up work flow during any phase of flight.
Important MCDU data entry and display behavior is listed below.
The next section of the document will cover each individual page and details about the data it displays and accepts.
The “F-PLN INIT” page is utilized to input a multitude of data. In this example, a sample of what the F-PLN INIT page would look like when the data from the start of this section has been entered has been provided.
This allows the loading of a preset list of waypoints, known as a company route. The data entry should be the name of the company route file without its extension. Once filled out, pressing “1L” on the MCDU LSK’s will then project a prompt for the file(s) found. Pressing the LSK adjacent to “INSERT” will then accept the input and program it into the FMS.
The departure and arrival airports must be entered here. Entering a departure airport will cause the FMC to reset the flight plan and performance data to allow a new flight to be inputted. Entries into this box must be written as departure airport ICAO/arrival airport ICAO (for example, “KATL/KJFK”).
An company route for the alternate route could be loaded here (not simulated). A zero may be entered to disable ALTN entry for the flight.
An alternate airport can be entered here.
The latitude and longitude of the IRS is displayed here. If an adjustment is needed during alignment, this can be done by pushing the up and down slew keys. If the GNS is valid, then the GNS position may be used for IRS alignment.
When the IRS is ready for alignment, “INITIALIZE IRS*” will appear in place of POS REF. Pressing 4R will initialize the IRS with the latitude and longitude displayed.
The flight number can be entered here as a text value. This can be used to help the crew recall the flight number and it will be displayed on the PROG page.
Pressing right line select 4 when “INITIALIZE IRS*” is not displayed will access the POS REF page.
Entering at least one cruise altitude is required for initialization. If cruise altitudes are low, the cruise speeds may be displayed in Mach on the FMA and on the performance pages, even though the airplane is in normal IAS range.
This allows for temperature and wind entry to assist in performance calculation (not simulated).
The current optimum and maximum operating altitude of the aircraft, based on its current weight, will be displayed here.
The cost index is a relative representation of the value of time versus fuel. This ranges from zero to several hundred. A cost index value of zero instructs the aircraft to conserve as much fuel as possible at the expense of time. As the value increases, more priority is given to time. Cost index is a required field for performance calculation. Values between 0 and 80 are more common for budget operators, whereas premium operators may use values in excess of 100.
The “WEIGHT INIT” page can be located by returning to the “INIT” page and then pushing the “PAGE” key on the MCDU. This page calculates and displays various weight and fuel related information. The calculations of the FMS will be in small font while the pilot entries will be in large font.
Fuel reserved for taxi is displayed here. This value can be altered by pilot but isn’t necessary. If no value is input, the FMS will default to 0.5. Input must be entered as a weight in thousands. This field is hidden after engine start.
Usable fuel on board is calculated by subtracting ballast fuel from the current detected fuel quantity. This is not pilot alterable before engine start.
Before engine start, any calculations of weight already account for ballast fuel (ZFW=TOGW+TAXI-BLOCK). The pilot is responsible for correcting the weight data for ballast fuel where needed.
After engine start, this field is editable and can be used in conjunction with the fuel flow integrator to sense fuel quantity.
BLOCK fuel weight is either entered by the pilot or calculated once TOGW, ZFW, and TAXI data fields are entered manually. Alternatively, if the FMC deems the UFOB acceptable and the scratchpad is empty, pushing the LSK adjacent to “UFOB and BLOCK” will insert the UFOB value into the “BLOCK” data field.
After engine start, this field will display the selected fuel quantity sensors and its label will be removed. Entering “FF” will disable the fuel quantity sensors and revert to fuel flow integration to determine current fuel level. Entering “FQ” will disable the fuel flow integrator and revert to fuel quantity sensors. Deleting the field will revert to the default fuel quantity sensing system.
The calculated trip fuel and time to the primary destination. This is not pilot alterable.
Takeoff gross weight is either pilot-entered or calculated as the sum of BLOCK and ZFW minus TAXI.
This data field is the reserve fuel for the flight. This value can either be entered by the pilot or a default value will be used. If left default, 5% of the trip fuel will be considered reserve and displayed accordingly. Either a weight or a percent may be entered, but not both.
Selected ballast fuel will be displayed here. This is not pilot alterable.
Zero fuel weight is shown here. ZFW is the sum of the empty weight of the aircraft and payload, or gross weight minus fuel weight.
Zero fuel weight can either be entered by the pilot or calculated by the FMC from BLOCK, TOGW, and TAXI data entries. It is recommended this value is input by the pilot. Pilot input of this field will permit the system to compute the Takeoff Gross Weight (TOGW).
If values of ZFW, TOGW or (after engine start) GW are out of range, a scratchpad message to that affect will be displayed. ZFW must contain the ballast fuel weight if ballast fuel is to be carried on the flight.
If an alternate airport has been specified, predicted fuel to the alternate airport appears and is not editable. Otherwise, an alternate fuel can be entered.
This is the landing weight is calculated by the FMC using ZFW and the EFOB at destination. This is not editable.
This field is for fuel needed at least 1500 feet above the destination airport for situations where there may be a hold if required. Either fuel or time may be entered manually, but not both. If a value isn’t entered manually, the FMC will calculate the correct value.
TOCG is a required entry and cannot be calculated automatically. The TOCG is used to calculate stabilizer trim for departure. The accepted range is from 5.9 to 34.7.
This value is BLOCK fuel minus the sum of all fuel needed for flight. In the event a negative number appears in this field, the fuel on board may not be enough to satisfy the current flight as entered into the MCDU. This will result in the “INSUFFICIENT FUEL” message appearing in the scratchpad. This field is not editable.
This field allows entry of the ZFWCG. Accepted ranges are the same as TOCG.
After the initial pilot entries have been made before engine start, edits of weight data will result in another computation according to the following rules:
The “FUEL INIT” page is used to input ballast fuel or specify different fuel properties. This page is not required for standard setup.
Ballast fuel is a denomination of fuel on the aircraft that is not intended for use on that flight. This can help to avoid refueling aircraft the current leg. The fuel entered here is it thousands.
After the ballast fuel is entered, a field to enter which tank the ballast fuel is in will appear. The only accepted input is “C” for center tank.
By default, fuel type will be set to “JET A”. The following additional fuel types can be entered/used: A, A1, B, 4 (JP4), 5 (JP5), 8 (JP8).
Freeze temperature may also be altered but will defaulted to the freezing temperature of the fuel type selected.
When a departure and arrival are entered, a company route search will be performance. The page will display the departure and arrival airports as the title and list any applicable company routes.
Pressing the left line select adjacent to the desired company route will insert the respective company route into the appropriate location.
The MENU page offers an interface to access various pages of the MCDU.
This prompt will provide access to the respective FMC. If it has been initialized, it will display “ACT”. If it requires initialization, it will display “REQ” and the left line select 1 must be pressed before usage.
When not in standby mode, pressing right line select 1 will activate standby mode.
Pressing left line select 2 will access the ACARS system (not simulated).
Pressing left line select 3 will access the ADAS system (not simulated).
Pressing left line select 4 will access the CFDS system (not simulated).
Pressing right line select 5 will access the MAINT page.
When applicable, pressing right line select 6 will return to the previously accessed page.
The REF INDEX page provides an interface to reach various miscellaneous sections of the MCDU.
Pressing left line select 1 accesses the NEW/DEFINED WAYPOINT page. This page allows for management of pilot defined waypoints.
Pressing left line select 2 accesses the WAYPOINT page. This page allows for lookup of a particular waypoint.
Pressing left line select 3 accesses the CLOSEST AIRPORTS page. This page displays closest airports and allows for airport position lookup.
Pressing right line select 3 accesses the NAVAID page (not simulated).
Pressing left line select 4 accesses the POS REF page. This pages allows for review of position sensing systems. The IRS/GNS POS and IRS STATUS page are accessible from the POS REF page.
Pressing right line select 4 accesses the DOC DATA page. This page allows for review of the system time information.
Pressing left line select 5 accesses the A/C STATUS page. This page allows for review of the software and databases.
Pressing right line select 5 accesses the MAINT page. This page offers various utilities.
Pressing left line select 6 accesses the SENSOR STATUS page. This page allows for review of the IRU statuses.
The NEW WAYPOINT page allows for creation of a custom waypoint by latitude and longitude or place/distance/bearing.
The name of the custom waypoint can be entered in. The maximum number of characters allowed is 7.
The latitude and longitude of the waypoint can be entered in the same format as entering a latitude and longitude as a waypoint.
The location of the waypoint can be entered as a location a certain number of miles at a certain distance from another location. This is entered as an identifier, the bearing, and the distance of the new location. Either place, bearing, and distance or latitude and longitude can be entered, not both.
Once a name and location have been entered, “ENTER” will appear on the bottom right. Pressing the right line select 6 will enter the custom waypoint and allow it to be used in a flight plan.
The DEFINED WAYPOINT page allows for management of custom defined waypoints.
This field displays the name of the selected custom waypoint.
If applicable, pressing right line select 1 will advance to the next custom waypoint. If only one custom waypoint exists, input will be ignored.
The latitude and longitude of the custom waypoint are displayed here.
If applicable, pressing right line select 2 will return to the previous custom waypoint. If only one custom waypoint exists, input will be ignored.
If the waypoint was created as a place, bearing, and distance, the values used to create it will be displayed here.
Pressing right line select 4 will access the NEW WAYPOINT page.
Pressing right line select 5 will delete all custom waypoints. If a waypoint is in use, the message “F-PLN WPT/NAV RETAINED” will appear and the waypoint will not be deleted.
The waypoint page allows for lookup of a waypoint.
The name of the waypoint is displayed in this field, once one is entered, or will accept the name of the waypoint to look up if not.
Once the waypoint has been looked up, its latitude and longitude will be displayed in this field.
The closest airports page allows display of the four closest airports and their distance and bearing from the aircraft.
The empty brackets at the bottom of the page allow entry of an airport to find its location and bearing from the aircraft. Once entered, its name and details will be displayed.
The POS REF page allows management of position calculation for the aircraft.
Current FMC computed location will be displayed here.
Current IRS sensed location will be displayed here.
Required and actual navigation performance is displayed here (not simulated).
Pressing right line select 5 will enable or disable usage of the GNS in position calculation.
Pressing right line select 6 will return to the F-PLN INIT page.
The IRS/GNS POS page displays the location detected by the individual GNS and IRS units.
If IRU 1 is aligned, this field will display “NAV” next to “IRU 1” and the location it is currently sensing. Otherwise, it will display dashes.
If IRU 2 is aligned, this field will display “NAV” next to “IRU 2” and the location it is currently sensing. Otherwise, it will display dashes.
If GNS 1 is available, this field will display “NAV” next to “GNS 1” and the location it is currently sensing. Otherwise, it will display dashes.
If GNS 2 is available, this field will display “NAV” next to “GNS 2” and the location it is currently sensing. Otherwise, it will display dashes.
Pressing right line select 6 will return to the F-PLN INIT page.
The IRS/GNS POS page displays the location detected by the individual GNS and IRS units.
The first IRU1 row will display its drift rate (not simulated) and its currently detected ground speed.
The first IRU2 row will display its drift rate (not simulated) and its currently detected ground speed.
The status code of IRU1 and IRU2 will be displayed here. They are as follows.
00 - Operating normally
03 - IRU is expecting but has not received an initial position
05 - Excess motion was detected during alignment and the unit requires reinitialization.
Pressing right line select 6 will return to the F-PLN INIT page.
The DOCUMENTARY DATA page allows management of system time information.
This displays the current system time.
This displays the current day and month.
This field allows control of the time source (not simulated).
The DOC DATA page allows management of system time information.
The current aircraft model is displayed here.
The current engine model is displayed here.
The current software version is displayed here.
This field displays the effective dates of the primary navigation database on the left and the revision number on the right.
This field displays the effective dates of the secondary navigation database on the left and the revision number on the right (not simulated).
Pressing right line select 6 will access the F-PLN INIT page.
The DOC DATA page allows management of system time information.
The current performance database is displayed here (not simulated).
The current data link information is displayed here (not simulated).
Pressing right line select 6 will access the F-PLN INIT page.
The MAINT page offers various utilities.
When a name is entered, the current flight plan will be saved as a company route with the name provided.
When a name is entered, the current state of the aircraft will be saved with the entered name in the persistence folder.
The SENSOR STATUS page offers an overview of the IRU sensor status.
The status of IRU 1, 3/AUX, and 2 are displayed here. If the sensor is unreachable, “FAIL” will be displayed. IRU 3/AUX is not installed and will never display a status.
The FIX page allows for tracking of a navigation point outside of the flight plan. The last page of the list will provide an option to add a new FIX.
When a waypoint has not been entered, this field will display as empty boxes. It accepts the same formats as the F-PLN page. Once entered, it will display the identifier of the waypoint.
The radial and distance between the present computed position and entered waypoint are displayed here.
Radials for the FIX may be entered and distance, time, and altitude predictions will be displayed accordingly (not simulated).
The abeam radial be to the flight plan will be displayed according to the information provided above (not simulated).
The DIR INTC page allows direct sequencing to a desired leg. Page 1 and 2 behave similarly, with the exception of displaying the same data ACT F-PLN page 1 and 2 display.
A waypoint can be entered into this box by name to queue it. Once it is queued, pressing left line select 1 will sequence directly to that waypoint.
This field allows creation of a unique waypoint with additional data (not simulated).
Pressing the left line select adjacent to a waypoint in the flight plan will queue it. Pressing left line select 1 will then sequence directly to that leg in the flight plan, skipping waypoints between it and the current leg.
The TAKEOFF page accepts and provides data relevant to takeoff and takeoff performance calculations. The departure airport and runway will display, if applicable, in the title.
Allows pilot entry of a simulated outside temperature for a FLEX takeoff thrust rating. Range is from the present total air temperature (TAT) indication to 99°C. FLEX entries on this page are also entered on the THRUST LIMITS page. To regain full thrust, the assumed temperature may be cleared.
These values are the same numbers as on the WEIGHT INIT page. After engine start, the TOGW on the WEIGHT INIT page will change to GW. As fuel is used, both pages will reflect the change.
Pressing right line select 1 will access the THRUST LIMITS page.
This displays the desired air conditioning packs setting for takeoff. Defaults to airline selection option of ON or OFF, but is pilot alterable to ON or OFF.
The current calculated takeoff EPR is displayed in this field and is not pilot editable.
This field allows either complete or independent entry of runway slope and takeoff wind. A headwind is entered as a positive number and a tailwind is entered as a negative number. These fields are required for takeoff performance calculations.
The field represents the takeoff flap setting and requires pilot entry. Range is from 5° to 20°.
This area displays the calculated takeoff stabilizer trim setting and is not pilot editable.
This field should contain the current outside air temperature. This is a required entry for takeoff performance calculation.
This speed indicates the airspeed at which a takeoff cannot be aborted. Once calculated, it can be confirmed by pressing left line select 4. It can accept manually entry.
This field displays the flap retraction speed. It is not pilot editable.
This field displays the altitude at which takeoff thrust can be reduced to climb thrust. It defaults to 1500 feet above airport elevation and is pilot alterable. The minimum is 1000 feet above airport elevation.
This speed indicates the airspeed at which the nose can begin rising for takeoff. Once calculated, it can be confirmed by pressing left line select 5. It can accept manually entry.
This speed indicates the slat retraction speed and is not pilot editable.
This is the altitude at which the aircraft can reduce nose pitch and accelerate. It will default to 3000 feet above airport elevation and display in small font. It is pilot alterable and the minimum is 1000 feet above airport elevation.
This speed indicates the airspeed at which the aircraft can climb with one engine operational. Once calculated, it can be confirmed by pressing left line select 6. It can accept manually entry.
This field indicates the climb speed of the aircraft above acceleration altitude and below the restriction altitude.
This is the altitude at which the aircraft can reduce nose pitch and accelerate with one engine operational. It will default to 800 feet above airport elevation and display in small font. It is pilot alterable and the minimum is 1000 feet above airport elevation.
The APPR page accepts and provides data relevant to approach and approach performance calculations. The arrival airport and runway will display, if applicable, in the title.
This field displays the current minimum operating speed of the aircraft with no flaps or slats.
This field displays the predicted landing weight of the aircraft.
This field displays the current minimum operating speed of the aircraft with slats extended.
This field will display the selected arrival runway length.
This field displays the current minimum operating speed of the aircraft with slats extended and flaps to deployed to 18.
This field will display the selected arrival runway elevation.
This field will display the currently selected landing flap configuration.
Entry into this field will initialize the EIS displayed timer (not simulated).
This displays the current approach speed and is pilot alterable.
This field displays the current approach reference speed and is not pilot alterable.
Pressing left line select 6 will activate either landing flaps 25 setting or landing flaps 40 setting, depending on the active setting.
Pressing right line select 6 will access the GO AROUND page.
The GO AROUND page accepts and provides data relevant to the GO AROUND procedure. The arrival airport and runway will display, if applicable, in the title.
This is the altitude at which thrust will be reverted to CLB THRUST mode.
This field displays the flap retraction speed. It is not pilot editable.
This is the altitude at which the aircraft can reduce nose pitch and accelerate. It will default to 3000 feet above airport elevation and display in small font. It is pilot alterable and the minimum is 1000 feet above airport elevation.
This speed indicates the slat retraction speed and is not pilot editable.
This is the altitude at which the aircraft can reduce nose pitch and accelerate with one engine operational. It will default to 800 feet above airport elevation and display in small font. It is pilot alterable and the minimum is 1000 feet above airport elevation.
This field displays the current minimum operating speed of the aircraft with no flaps or slats.
Pressing right line select 5 will access the THRUST LIMITS page.
Pressing right line select 6 will return to the APPROACH page.
The ACT F-PLN (PAGE 1) is used to input flight plan routing and provides access the lateral and vertical revision (LAT REV and VERT REV) page.
The navigational point name will be displayed in large text on the left side of the page. If the name is part of a terminal procedure or airway, it will be displayed in small text above the waypoint. If the waypoint at the top of the page is the active FROM waypoint, “FROM” will be displayed above it. If a waypoint is intended to be overflown, a triangle symbol will appear after the name.
Certain points in the flight will be displayed as pseudo-waypoints. For example, top of climb will be displayed as (T/C) and top of descent will be displayed as (T/D).
In the event that the FMC is unable to determine whether or a new point is being sequenced during climb or descent, a prompt to specify will appear on the bottom row of the page.
A new point can be entered by entering its identifier. Accepted entries are as follows.
Waypoints (example: ATHOS)
VORs (example: IGN)
Airports (example: KALB)
Place/bearing/distance (waypoint Z miles at Y bearing from X point—example: KBWI/255/15)
Latitude longitude (example: N5544.2/W07322.1)
Pressing a left line select with an empty scratchpad will enter the LAT REV page
The estimated time en route (ETE) to the waypoint will be displayed in the second column. After throttle advancement for takeoff, this will change to estimated time over (ETO). If the hours digit is the same as the previous line, only the minutes will be shown.
The predicted speed or speed restriction will be displayed in small text or large text, respectively, here.
The predicted altitude or altitude restriction will be displayed in small text or large text, respectively, here. When a HOLD is displayed, this will indicate the HOLD limit information.
Entering a single number into the scratchpad without a slash and pressing a right line select will set the speed restriction. Entering a single number into the scratchpad preceded by a slash and pressing a right line select will set the altitude restriction. Entering a speed and altitude separated by a slash and pressing a right line select will set both the speed and altitude restriction. Pressing a right line select with an empty scratchpad will enter the VERT REV page.
The ACT F-PLN (PAGE 2) allows the same waypoint entry system as the first page. Page 2 is intended for display of distance, temperature, and wind.
This field displays the distance between the previous waypoint and that waypoint.
This field displays the temperature at the waypoint (not simulated).
This field displays the wind at the waypoint (not simulated).
The “LAT REV” page provides access to various options to modify the lateral portion of the flight plan.
The title area of the page will display “LAT REV FROM X”, where “X” is the name of the waypoint this revision was initiated from. Below it, the latitude and longitude of that waypoint is displayed.
When the LAT REV is made from the “FROM” leg of a flight plan, “SID” will be displayed adjacent to the left line select 1 key. Pressing it will enter the SID page.
When the LAT REV is made from anything but the “FROM” leg of a flight plan, pressing right line select 1 will enter the STAR page.
Pressing left line select 2 when “AIRWAYS” is displayed will enter the AIRWAYS page.
Pressing right line select 2 when “HOLD” is displayed will enter the HOLD page.
This field accepts a waypoint entry with the same format as the F-PLN page.
This returns to the ACT F-PLN page at the point the LAT REV was entered.
In the event that an identifier is looked up and it refers to more than one navigational point, the DUPLICATE NAMES page will appear.
Pressing the left line select adjacent to the desired waypoint will select it for the purposes the original identifier was entered for.
Pressing the right line select 6 will return to the ACT F-PLN page.
The SID page allows selection of a standard instrument departure and departure runway. The title will display the departure airport.
A SID is a group of waypoints that assist in normalizing departure from an airport and sequencing into a flight plan.
This section displays the SIDs normally available for the airport. Pressing the left line select adjacent will select the SID displayed on that line. The SID list may be filtered to SIDs compatible with the selected runway, if applicable.
After selecting a SID, a list of transitions may be displayed. Once again, pressing the left line select adjacent to it will select it. Other SIDs will be displayed below the transition(s) and can be selected if a change is desired.
A list of runways available will be displayed in this section. Pressing a right line select will select the adjacent runway. The runway list may be filtered to runways compatible with the selected SID, if applicable.
After selection, other runways will be displayed below and can be selected if desired.
Pressing left line select 6 once a SID and/or runway is selected will insert the revision into the flight plan. Navigating away from the page before inserting it will cancel the changes.
This returns to the LAT REV page.
The STAR page allows selection of a standard terminal arrivals, approaches, and/or arrival runways. The title will display the arrival airport.
A STAR is a group of waypoints that assist in normalizing arrival to an airport and sequencing from a flight plan.
This section displays the STARs normally available for the airport. Pressing the left line select adjacent will select the STAR displayed on that line. The STAR list may be filtered to STARs compatible with the selected runway, if applicable.
After selecting a STAR, a list of transitions may be displayed. Once again, pressing the left line select adjacent to it will select it. Other STARs will be displayed below the transition(s) and can be selected if a change is desired.
A list of approaches and runways available will be displayed in this section. Pressing a right line select will select the adjacent runway. The runway list may be filtered to runways compatible with the selected STAR, if applicable.
After selection, other approaches will be displayed below and can be selected if desired.
For applicable approaches that do not allow vertical guidance to the runway, a prompt for “MIN PROF” will appear. This field requires an altitude to terminate vertical guidance at. This must be between 200 feet and 5000 feet above the airport elevation.
Pressing left line select 6 once a STAR and/or approach is selected will insert the revision into the flight plan. Navigating away from the page before inserting it will cancel the changes.
This returns to the LAT REV page.
After inserting an applicable approach, a page will appear that allows selection of an approach transition.
Pressing the right line select key adjacent to the desired transition will select it immediately. Navigating away before selecting one will cause the approach to be inserted without a transition.
The airways page allows entry of one or more airways to be entered.
The airway name can be entered into the scratchpad and inserted field via the adjacent left line select.
The terminating waypoint can be entered via the adjacent right line select. If a valid route via waypoint the lateral revision was initiated from and the entered airway cannot be calculated, “NOT IN DATABASE” will be displayed and the input will be ignored.
After one or more valid airways has been entered, INSERT will appear. Pressing left line select 1 will insert the airway into the flight plan. Navigating away before pressing INSERT will cancel the changes.
The HOLD page allows a hold to be entered into the flight plan.
This displays the inbound course to the hold. It will default to a reasonable value based on the flight plan or database. It is pilot editable.
This field accepts either a time or distance entry. The default value is time and it will be 1 minute under 14,000 feet or 1.5 minutes above 14,000 feet. The measurement of altitude is taken from the altitude at the point of revision.
This field displays the turn direction of the hold. It is pilot editable and accepts L for left and R for right.
In the event that a hold has been modified from standard, or if the hold is part of a database procedure, modified from its default value, a prompt to revert to default will be displayed. Pressing right line select 2 will revert it.
This displays FMC calculated trip fuel from the holding fix (not simulated).
This field displays the predicted time fuel on board will be equivalent to the amount of fuel required to complete the flight plan with no changes to reserve fuel (not simulated).
This data field is the reserve fuel from the hold. This value can either be entered by the pilot or a default value will be used. Either a weight or a percent may be entered, but not both.
The alternate airport, if specified, or “NONE”, is displayed first. If an alternate airport has been specified, predicted fuel to the alternate airport appears second and is not editable. Otherwise, an alternate fuel can be entered.
This field is for fuel needed at least 1500 feet above the destination airport for situations where there may be a hold if required. Either fuel or time may be entered manually, but not both. If a value isn’t entered manually, the FMC will calculate the correct value.
If an alternate airport has been specified, this prompt will appear. Pressing right line select 5 will clear the alternate airport and set alternate fuel to 0.
Pressing left line select 6 will insert the hold into the flight plan.
Pressing right line select 6 will return to the LAT REV page and cancel the entry or changes to the hold.
The VERT REV page allows for revision to the vertical section of the flight plan. The title will display the waypoint the revision was made from.
This field displays the estimated fuel on board at the waypoint the revision was made from.
This field displays the estimated amount of fuel exceeding what is required for the remainder of the flight plus reserves at the waypoint the revision was made from.
This field allows entry or editing of an AT OR BELOW speed restriction. The aircraft, if FMS speed guidance is active, will stay at or under the speed set here when it crossed the waypoint the revision was made from.
Pressing the right line select 2 will access the RTA PROGRESS page (not simulated).
This field allows entry or editing of an AT OR ABOVE altitude restriction. The aircraft, if profile (PROF) vertical guidance is active, will stay at or above the altitude set when it crosses the waypoint the revision was made from.
This field allows entry or editing of an AT altitude restriction. The aircraft, if profile (PROF) vertical guidance is active, will stay as close to the altitude set as possible when it crosses the waypoint the revision was made from.
This field allows entry or editing of an AT OR ABOVE altitude restriction. The aircraft, if profile (PROF) vertical guidance is active, will stay at or above the altitude set when it crosses the waypoint the revision was made from.
If the waypoint the revision was made from is part of the climb phase CLB SPD/LIM will be shown, otherwise, DES SPD/LIM will be shown. This field represents a speed limit and the altitude that should be considered the upper limit. Manual entry in the form of speed/altitude is accepted.
Pressing right line select 6 will return to the F-PLN page at the point the revision was made from.
The NAV RAD page offers navigation radio tuning and data functions.
VOR/CRS (Both Sides)
The current VOR will be displayed here. Entering a VOR identifier or frequency will look up the VOR and tune the respective NAV radio to it as applicable. A course can be entered either as part of the VOR/frequency entry or on its own by using a slash as the separator.
When a VOR and course has been entered, VOR ARM will appear below. Pressing the adjacent line select will arm the VOR autoflight guidance mode.
The current ADF will be displayed here. Entering an ADF identifier will look it up and tune the respective ADF radio to it as applicable. A frequency can also be entered.
VOR/CRS (Both Sides)
The current ILS will be displayed here. Entering an ILS identifier will look up the ILS and tune the respective NAV radio to it as applicable. A frequency can also be entered. A course can be entered either as part of the ILS frequency entry or on its own by using a slash as the separator.
The preselect boxes allow entry of a frequency or identifier and/or course. This entry serves only as a way to store data for use later and does not serve a function by itself. Pressing the adjacent line select key with an empty scratchpad will copy the value into the scratchpad.
The CLB page will indicate various performance information regarding the climb phase of the flight. After cruise has been reached, the CLB page will no longer be accessible. The title may change to represent the active mode.
This field indicates the altitude that will be used for prediction on the rows below and is pilot editable.
The current economy climb speeds are displayed here. If not active, pressing left line select 2 will activate ECON CLB speed mode.
These values represent the estimated time the PRED TO altitude will be reached if the speed mode on the respective line is used.
These values represent the estimated distance required to reach the PRED TO altitude if the speed mode on the respective line is used.
The current maximum angle climb speeds are displayed in this field. If not active, pressing left line select 3 will activate MAX CLB speed mode.
This field allows for entry of an IAS, Mach, or IAS/Mach combination to manually control FMS guided speed. If not active, once a value has been entered, pressing left line select 4 will active EDIT CLB speed mode.
Pressing right line select 5 will access the CLIMB FORECAST page (not simulated).
This field displays the transition altitude, or the altitude at which the altimeter should be reset to standard, from the database for the departure airport. It is not pilot editable.
The current optimum and maximum operating altitude of the aircraft, based on its current weight, will be displayed here.
Pressing right line select 6 will access the THRUST LIMITS page.
The CRZ page will indicate various performance information regarding the cruise phase of the flight. After cruise, this page will no longer be accessible. If this page is previewed before cruise is reached, it will be displayed as “PRESELECT CRZ” and some fields may not be available. The title may change to represent the active mode.
This field indicates the distance to the top of descent point.
The current economy cruise speeds are displayed here. If not active, pressing left line select 2 will activate ECON CRZ speed mode.
The current maximum efficiency cruise speeds are displayed in this field. If not active, pressing left line select 3 will activate MAX END CRZ speed mode.
This field allows for entry of an IAS, Mach, or IAS/Mach combination to manually control FMS guided speed. If not active, once a value has been entered, pressing left line select 4 will active EDIT CRZ speed mode.
The current optimum and maximum operating altitude of the aircraft, based on its current weight, will be displayed here.
Pressing right line select 6 will access the THRUST LIMITS page.
The DES page will indicate various performance information regarding the descent phase of the flight. If this page is previewed before cruise is reached, it will be displayed as “PRESELECT DES” and some fields may not be available. The title may change to represent the active mode.
The deviation from the vertical path in height is displayed as an altitude high or low. Lateral deviation from the descent profile is also displayed (not simulated).
This field indicates the altitude that will be used for prediction on the rows below and is pilot editable.
The current economy climb speeds are displayed here. If not active, pressing left line select 2 will activate ECON DES speed mode.
These values represent the estimated time the PRED TO altitude will be reached if the speed mode on the respective line is used.
These values represent the estimated distance required to reach the PRED TO altitude if the speed mode on the respective line is used.
The current maximum angle descent speeds are displayed in this field. If not active, pressing left line select 3 will activate MAX DES speed mode.
This field allows for entry of an IAS, Mach, or IAS/Mach combination to manually control FMS guided speed. If not active, once a value has been entered, pressing left line select 4 will active EDIT DES speed mode.
Pressing right line select 5 will access the DESCENT FORECAST page (not simulated).
This field displays the transition altitude, or the altitude at which the altimeter should be reset to standard, from the database for the arrival airport. It is not pilot editable.
The current optimum and maximum operating altitude of the aircraft, based on its current weight, will be displayed here.
Pressing right line select 6 will access the THRUST LIMITS page.
The THRUST LIMITS page allows control of the current thrust limits and allows arming of subsequent modes when applicable. The title will adjust to reflect whether or not the thrust limits are in automatic or manual selection mode.
Thrust Mode (Left and Right Columns)
Available thrust modes will be listed on the left and right sides of the screen. Possible thrust modes are as follows.
The active thrust mode is indicated by an arrow pointing to it and is displayed in large text. A mode that can be selected without disabling automatic thrust limit selection will have an asterisk adjacent to it.
During preflight, a climb thrust limit can be armed and will automatically be activated when entering climb mode. The armed climb thrust setting will be displayed in large text. Pressing the line select adjacent to the desired climb thrust setting will arm it and it will display in large text. Pressing it again will activate that mode immediately.
As selected modes change, the side they are on may reverse. After the takeoff phase is complete, the T/O thrust limits will replaced by the G/A thrust limits and the arming system will be disabled.
The EPR associated with the currently selected thrust limit will be displayed on the respective line in the EPR column.
The current true air temperature will be displayed in this field.
Allows pilot entry of a simulated outside temperature for a FLEX takeoff thrust rating. Range is from the present total air temperature (TAT) indication to 99°C. FLEX entries on this page are also entered on the TAKEOFF page. To regain full thrust, the assumed temperature may be cleared. This field will not be available after the takeoff phase is complete.
Pressing right line select 6 will return to the respective page.
The PROGRESS page displays the current progress through the flight. It is tailored for oceanic position reporting.
The previous sequenced leg in the flight plan will display here.
This will display the time of crossing the previous waypoint. It will display zeros until the throttles are advanced for takeoff.
This field displays the altitude at which the previously sequenced leg was crossed, or for the TO and NEXT leg, the predicted altitude for the respective leg is displayed.
The leg the aircraft is currently en route to is displayed here.
Before throttle advancement for takeoff, the estimated time en route to the leg on the same row as this field is displayed. After throttle advancement, the estimated time over the leg is displayed.
The current sensed outside air temperature is displayed in this field.
When applicable, the current wind velocity and direction will be displayed in this field.
This field displays the current usable fuel on board.
The destination leg of the current flight plan is displayed here.
This field displays the estimated time en route to the destination leg.
The flight plan distance to the destination leg is displayed in this field.
This field displays the estimated fuel on board at the destination leg.
If entered, the ALTN airport identifier is displayed here.