This is the official change history for the TFDi Design MD-11. Some versions are only distributed to QA and are marked as such.
ADDED - New ground roll sounds (MSFS)
ADDED - New flaps turbulence sounds (MSFS)
ADDED - New gear drag wind sounds (MSFS)
FIXED - Parking brake setting not being respected in EFB after reload
FIXED - GE engine oscillation
FIXED - ATS speed control performance
CHANGED - Improved ground roll spatialization (MSFS)
CHANGED - Re-tuned internal engine mix (GE) (MSFS)
CHANGED - Adjusted over wing mix (GE) (MSFS)
CHANGED - Enhanced flyby perspective effects (GE) (MSFS)
CHANGED - Refined saw sample/tuned N1 curve (MSFS/GE)
CHANGED - Adjusted overall engine mix (MSFS/GE)
CHANGED - Adjusted groundroll volumes (MSFS/GE)
CHANGED - Added attenuation to engine sounds based on altitude (MSFS/GE)
ADDED - Simbrief import and integration for P3D
ADDED - Physical throttle position display
ADDED - SayIntentions support
ADDED - More robust baro sync options
ADDED - Minimums sync option
ADDED - Scroll wheel acceleration option
ADDED - DSPY light behavior
FIXED - MSFS EFB showing ICAO length showing instead of ICAO
FIXED - Analog standby altimeter not rolling properly
FIXED - FMA overlap under SINGLE LAND conditions
FIXED - Temperatures not starting at appropriate defaults
FIXED - ISOL valve button light not reflecting status
FIXED - Engine bleed pressure and temp when engines are off
FIXED - ND occasionally drawing invalid distances
FIXED - Nose gear light incorrectly reading from right gear
FIXED - Invalid default anti-ice setting
FIXED - Altitude alert behavior
FIXED - Ability to start/operate APU outside of acceptable envelopes
FIXED - Manual ILS tuning selecting wrong course under certain conditions
FIXED - CAWS alerts inhibiting too early during approach
FIXED - Incorrect altitude alert exclusion logic
FIXED - Engine ignition A/B not selectable together
FIXED - ABS DISARM light not appearing when arming for landing
FIXED - Landing altitude box not appearing properly with no value entered
FIXED - Duct/zone temps not properly initializing
FIXED - LOC ONLY behavior
FIXED - Incorrect ETE to T/C or S/C on PERF page
FIXED - Default engine bleed temperature
FIXED - ILS lazy tracking behavior
FIXED - Localizer tracking wrong direction
FIXED - ILS intercepting without full configuration
FIXED - Rough autoland
FIXED - Poor autoland flare and rollout behavior
FIXED - Ignition bolt not appearing with anti ice on
FIXED - SID and STAR page missing arrows
FIXED - FMS DONE phase not triggering properly
FIXED - Erroneous IRS light flashing
FIXED - Intermittent OPT/MAX altitude value dropouts
FIXED - Various ILS capture issues
FIXED - Scroll acceleration not working properly
FIXED - Stabilizer trim moving without hydraulic power
FIXED - Overlapping analog and digital standby
FIXED - ECON speeds dropping out
FIXED - Navigraph session/login not being saved
FIXED - FMA indicating autoland with AFS off
FIXED - 250kt/10k limit not being applied at cruise below 10,000
FIXED - Ability to restart engines outside of acceptable envelopes
CHANGED - Improved startup sound
CHANGED - Improved GE sounds
CHANGED - Removed altitude alert exclusion type
CHANGED - Reduced volume of fuel ignition on startup (MSFS)
CHANGED - Slight improvements to exterior sound mix (MSFS)
CHANGED - Slightly reduced cockpit engine volume (MSFS)
CHANGED - Refined interior engine sound mix (MSFS)
CHANGED - Improved GE whine sound
ADDED - New economy cruise tables
ADDED - Dynamic VMO/MMO behavior based on altitude and tip fuel quantity
ADDED - Startup simulation to MCDU
FIXED - Incorrect MAX ALT data at high mach speeds
FIXED - Aircraft exiting HOLD into HDG MODE after one loop
FIXED - Alignment of SD and EAD outlines
FIXED - OPT/MAX FL not updating properly
FIXED - OPT/MAX FL not resetting
FIXED - Standby altimeter jumpiness
FIXED - Selection of SID/STAR on SEC FPLN
FIXED - ALTN LEGS not including original destination
FIXED - Enable alternate behavior not working on LAT REV
FIXED - New destination not working on SEC FPLN
FIXED - Enable alternate behavior not working on SEC FPLN
FIXED - Alternate cruise altitude behavior via LAT REV
FIXED - LAT arrows missing on MCDU
FIXED - Various alignment issues on POS REF page
FIXED - G/S warning inhibit never resetting
FIXED - PFD value flag behavior during IRU alignment
FIXED - GPWS callouts playing on the ground
FIXED - TCAS showing wrong sign for altitude separation
FIXED - All spoilers moving at identical rate
FIXED - Font size issue for ballast and total fuel
FIXED - MCDU not blanking often enough
FIXED - Overhead fuel displays not powering off when power is lost
FIXED - AUTOPILOT alert not always playing when power is connected
FIXED - Shutting down engine 2 stopping APU
FIXED - SEC FPLN state on reset
FIXED - ALTN fuel entry not properly converting units
FIXED - Extra fuel always displaying in pounds
FIXED - WXR/TERR missing in VOR and APPR mode
FIXED - Alignment of A/C STATUS page
CHANGED - FCC (and FCP readouts) now take a few seconds to power on
CHANGED - Radios and fuel displays now take a few seconds to power on
ADDED - New interior sound packs (GE/PW) (MSFS)
ADDED - Cabin packs sound (MSFS)
FIXED - Interior engine sound location (MSFS)
FIXED - Interior engine sound volume (MSFS)
FIXED - Re-recorded/re-balanced interior audio files (MSFS)
FIXED - Gear sound (MSFS)
FIXED - Ground roll sounds (MSFS)
FIXED - Packs sound starting instantly (MSFS)
FIXED - Flap sound (MSFS)
FIXED - Reverser sounds (MSFS)
FIXED - Legacy rendering causing the radios to be rendered wrong (P3D)
CHANGED - Localized all switches, buttons, levers, and misc interactives to the flight deck (MSFS)
CHANGED - Reduced volume of all interactive sounds (switches, buttons, etc)
ADDED - Weather radar functionality (MSFS-native and Active Sky for P3D)
ADDED - Terrain radar functionality (MSFS only)
ADDED - WXR test pattern behavior (both sims)
ADDED - TERR test pattern behavior (both sims)
ADDED - Export variables for fuel readout displays
ADDED - Default altimeter not reflecting in-aircraft setting
ADDED - Altimeter variable exports
ADDED - RemoteCDU support
FIXED - Pax load selector being allowed to select invalid numbers
FIXED - Engine ignition does not turn off after shutdown
FIXED - CPDLC not accepting digits in station name
FIXED - RETRACT SPD BRK appearing during derotation
FIXED - NEXT WPT on LAT REV not working properly
FIXED - Excessive flap drag
FIXED - SEC PROGRESS title appearing incorrectly
FIXED - V1 showing in white erroneously
FIXED - PFD FMS SPD mismatch on ground
FIXED - Activating PROF does not activate FMS SPD
FIXED - Pushing/pulling the HDG knob deselecting PROF
FIXED - VORDMEs being displayed as DMEs
FIXED - AUTOLAND status not resetting after landing
FIXED - WXR button mechanical behavior
FIXED - GPU sound origin (MSFS)
FIXED - Flap sound (MSFS)
FIXED - APU sound (MSFS)
FIXED - Thrust reverser sounds not properly transitioning (MSFS)
FIXED - TCAS showing too much traffic in N mode
FIXED - Some cockpit ambience sounds are now only audible in the cockpit (MSFS)
CHANGED - Seatbelt sign and no smoking sign now write to the default simulator values
FIXED - Excessive flap drag on mid-range flap settings
FIXED - Forced maximum autobrake
FIXED - Wrong VOR course appearing under some conditions
FIXED - MISC SD erroneously prompting for second page
FIXED - Erroneous next page option on MCDU MENU page
FIXED - Incorrect STAB TRIM visual behavior after landing
FIXED - Blank MCDU after using duplicate waypoint on DEFINED WPT page
FIXED - Inability to use aircraft as an addon package in P3D
FIXED - Flaps not being properly reported to tracking applications
FIXED - Broken states in hangar view/cinematic previews
CHANGED - Aircraft now automatically falls back to legacy rendering engine when PDK2D2D is removed
ADDED - Realistic parking brake engagement logic and option
ADDED - Altimeter sync setting and functionality
ADDED - AILERON DEFLECT OVRD code (button does not yet function)
FIXED - T/O THRUST activating with ATS off
FIXED - RCWS causing permanent outboard aileron lockout
FIXED - PROF TO not showing in meters when meters are selected
FIXED - (P3D) Default GPWS conflict
FIXED - VS/FPA button in P3D
FIXED - Lack of fuel not causing engines to flame out
FIXED - Lack of fuel not causing APU to flameout
FIXED - Edge case crash in CAWS system caused by ADC power loss
FIXED - Spoiler toggle event only extending spoiler
FIXED - Engine start possible without air source
FIXED - Invalid RTE RSV FUEl entry when entered by weight
FIXED - VOR/ADF needles instantly snapping to values
FIXED - Canadian altimeter setting in MSFS EFB
FIXED - Missing FD1/FD2 annunciation on PFD
FIXED - CAWS alert power requirements
FIXED - MASTER WARNING/MASTER CAUTION/SD cue lights activating without DEU power
FIXED - ABS DISARM light not coming on when initially selecting AUTOBRAKE TO
FIXED - Windshield wiper INT behavior
FIXED - Windshield wiper timing
FIXED - AP heading bug not following aircraft heading on ground
FIXED - Brake behavior and baro sync options not being retained properly
FIXED - P3D EFB maximum fuel value not matching
FIXED - AUTOPILOT alert not playing on startup
FIXED - EVAC switch behavior with respect to the guard
FIXED - GPWS OVRD switch/guard not playing sound
FIXED - EVAC switch/guard not playing sound
FIXED - (P3D) EFB not applying DEFLECTED AILERON setting
FIXED - Horizontal alignment of vertical FMA
FIXED - Pitch stability and pitch trim flight performance
FIXED - ER buttons not animating
FIXED - Chocks preventing brake actuation
FIXED - PIP pylons not working
FIXED - Wingflex-related visual issue
FIXED - Gear handle release button not working
FIXED - Deflected aileron button not working
FIXED - Backward strobe lights
FIXED - Missing wingtip nav light
FIXED - Missing strobe ground flash
FIXED - Deflected aileron override button appearing with option disabled
FIXED - Gear handle animation
FIXED - Strobe timing
FIXED - (P3D) Hoppie code not displaying after saving
FIXED - Avionics fan starting without A/C power
FIXED - Oil pressure alert during startup
FIXED - Cabin lighting brightness
FIXED - MIN PROF not being reset by changing approach
FIXED - A scenario causing v-speeds to be reset
CHANGED - Included current panel states
CHANGED - Changed TCAS altitude calculation to attempt to resolve erroneous altitude reporting
CHANGED - Improved display startup timing
CHANGED - Certain EFB settings saving to the airframe instead of user settings
FIXED - Initial CTD under certain conditions
FIXED - Excessive VRAM consumption
FIXED - Aft galley ambient occlusion
FIXED - Slat not moving correctly
FIXED - Right flap components not moving correctly
FIXED - Screw maps on fuselage reflecting too much light
FIXED - Reversed tire animation
CHANGED - Beacon flare brightness
CHANGED - Slight change to window materials
CHANGED - Improved cockpit seat texture
ADDED - Wiper movement
ADDED - Dirt on the underside of fuselage
ADDED - Slight wing droop
ADDED - Contrails
ADDED - Strake next to nav lights
ADDED - Several new decals on the fuselage
ADDED - 3D Door handles on exterior
ADDED - Tire branding and bumps
ADDED - Engine heat blur
ADDED - High resolution cabin
ADDED - Various panels and new screws along the fuselage, tail and wings
ADDED - New APU model
ADDED - (P3D) TrueGlass support
FIXED - Engine 2 exhaust not shiny enough
FIXED - Engine 1 and 3 exhaust too shiny
FIXED - GSX door control
FIXED - Nav lights splashing onto wingtips
FIXED - Engine cooling vents now only on right side of pylons (GE)
FIXED - Ambient occlusion in freighter cabin
FIXED - Missing text and labels on freighter cabin
FIXED - Exterior outflow valve doors now open
FIXED - Missing text on freighter cabin panels
FIXED - Added missing engine louvres on engine #2 (GE)
FIXED - Added missing static dischargers on winglets
FIXED - Main cargo door actuator arm now moves when door is opening
FIXED - Stabilizer trim box visual alignment
FIXED - Blades spinning wrong way (GE)
FIXED - Incorrect floor light control mapping
FIXED - Lack of correct state simulation on analog standby
FIXED - VHF3 stuck on random frequency
FIXED - Automatic pitch trim not working in manual flight
FIXED - P3D dome light
FIXED - P3D emergency light
FIXED - Flight director showing without IRU
CHANGED - Brought P3D cockpit model inline with MSFS model
CHANGED - ISFD brightness is now tied to the highest DU brightness
CHANGED - Slat texture now has white band
CHANGED - Improved automatic pitch trim rate
CHANGED - Landing and turnoff are now yellow-ish white
CHANGED - Exterior cockpit window frame model
CHANGED - Increased curve subdivision of windows in freighter cabin
ADDED - GSX door control support
ADDED - (P3D) Exterior APU sound
ADDED - (P3D) flap motion sound
FIXED - Brakes not draining hydraulic accumulator pressure
FIXED - Excessive brake heatup rate
FIXED - AFS knobs not controlling selected and preselected values when not captured
FIXED - Erroneous SLAT DISAG message
FIXED - All 6 DUs not turning on full brightness when all 6 are turned off
FIXED - PROF-related alerts and display on ground
FIXED - Ability to receive impossible OPT FLAP settings from EFB performance calculator
FIXED - Strobe and beacon light timing (rear strobe not yet implemented)
FIXED - ADFs auto-tuning all the time instead of to STAR/APPR ADFs
FIXED - ANNUN BRT/DIM knob behavior (function not yet implemented)
FIXED - Color of circle on manually selected NAVAIDS
FIXED - Tuned NAVAIDS symbols showing in white
FIXED - Reversed analog standby motion
FIXED - (P3D) Interior sounds playing on exterior view
CHANGED - Default position of barometer mode knob is now QNH
CHANGED - Improved ATS response time in GEs to address specific-case oscillation
CHANGED - Updated various effects files
ADDED - Pause at TOD functionality
FIXED - Hydraulic fault messages displaying during startup
FIXED - APU PWR not engaging when started with the START/STOP button
FIXED - Hydraulic flow lines sometimes wrongly showing green
FIXED - Various EFB variable assignments
FIXED - Hydraulics requiring power to depressurize
FIXED - A CTD/WASM crash related to ND drawing
CHANGED - Improved display data initialization (attempt to fix data dropout)
CHANGED - Tapes are no longer default
CHANGED - Analog standby is now default
ADDED - ADF support
ADDED - PATH ERROR functionality to DESCENT PERF page
FIXED - STAB TRIM amber indication behavior
FIXED - An issue causing bad v-speed predictions with deflected ailerons
FIXED - APU power state logic
FIXED - Symbols appearing below the bottom line of the ND
FIXED - Upcoming waypoint not drawing magenta when preceeded by T/C, S/C, or T/D
FIXED - Tuned NAVAIDS not appearing with a magenta circle
FIXED - Certain EFB options not being retained properly
FIXED - Certain EFB performance options not saving
FIXED - Stabilizer trim amber/green behavior
CHANGED - User options (SimBrief username, etc.) are now saved separately from airframe options
ADDED - AUTOPILOT warning on startup
FIXED - Erroneous ICE DETECTED message
FIXED - A scenario that breaks predictions
FIXED - Incorrectly sized CABIN ALTITUDE warning box
FIXED - Reversed outflow valve indication
FIXED - Erroneous ALTITUDE alert on startup
FIXED - AC TIE 1/2/3 ARM light behavior
FIXED - GEN 1/2/3 ARM light behavior
FIXED - Electrical power with all generators manually disabled
FIXED - A scenario resulting in PROF incorrectly calculating the descent path
FIXED - Descent slipperiness
FIXED - A scenario that could cause loss of predictions
FIXED - FIX circle appearing too large
FIXED - Nose wheel actuation during ambient rudder movement
FIXED - AGENT LOW lights not illuminating during CARGO FIRE test
FIXED - V-speeds constantly resetting
FIXED - Missing IRU IN ALIGN message
FIXED - Non-functional outflow valve needle
FIXED - Localizers showing on VOR/NDB display
FIXED - Spoiler motor sound not playing in two separate stages
FIXED - A possible crash-on-load scenario
FIXED - Incorrect split-axis flight director bank command
FIXED - External power not connecting properly
FIXED - Flight director responsiveness
FIXED - A scenario allowing incorrect step-climb prediction behavior
CHANGED - Engine parameters now have slight variance
CHANGED - Improved takeoff handling
ADDED - Emergency light functionality
ADDED - Flap sound (MSFS)
FIXED - Cabin pressure simulation behavior
FIXED - Outflow valve not responding to controls
FIXED - Several scenarios that could cause predictions to not work
FIXED - EFOB and EXTRA fuel not showing in selected weight unit
FIXED - Flap extension timing
FIXED - Various cockpit lights incorrectly requiring others to function
FIXED - Engine volume issue
FIXED - Red overhead light texture
FIXED - Erroneous shadow on glareshield
CHANGED - Optimized internal memory usage
CHANGED - Various sound improvements and enhancements
ADDED - Aileron trim behavior
ADDED - Spoiler handle sounds
ADDED - Flap handle sounds
ADDED - Auto-spoiler motor sound
ADDED - Gear handle sound
ADDED - Visible cargo pallets
ADDED - Cockpit door open/close sound
ADDED - Cabin/mech call buttons
ADDED - Landing gear horn system
ADDED - Emergency light test button functionality (light does not yet illuminate)
ADDED - G/A shortcut clickspot on screw above MASTER WARNING button
ADDED - TRIP/TIME, FINAL/TIME, EXTRA/TIME, and ALTN fuel functionality
ADDED - Rudder trim behavior
FIXED - Simbrief import issue due to longitudes at exactly +- 100
FIXED - FMA not showing step climb altitude in magenta in PROF TO readout
FIXED - EVAC panel is no longer present in the freighter
FIXED - Airway lookup issue causing flight plan import issues
FIXED - Seatbelt sign and no smoking sign using two-tone sound
FIXED - Enabling digital standby not stopping analog standby ticking sound
FIXED - Certain flight control surfaces not drooping
FIXED - Flap override behavior
FIXED - Auto anti-ice light hovering above switch
FIXED - Removed extra button on glareshield
FIXED - SimBrief NAT track importing
FIXED - Inability to control radios from external software/in-sim menus
FIXED - GEN2/GEN3 buttons/lights functioning incorrectly
FIXED - Navigraph session not saving
FIXED - Further improved EFOB calculations
FIXED - Various PROF calculation issues
FIXED - DEF AIL not appearing on A/C STATUS
FIXED - Reference speeds not showing on APPR page
FIXED - Advancing throttles with engines off causing systems to behave like takeoff
FIXED - An issue causing incorrect S/C placement
FIXED - An issue preventing S/C calculation
FIXED - PROF immediately diving upon reaching T/D
FIXED - Incorrect weight limits being applied via the FMC (MAX LW 195 on ER, etc.)
FIXED - Flap limiting system not functioning
FIXED - Secondary flight control modes not functioning
FIXED - Reversed rudder key input
FIXED - Fuel SD manifold behavior
FIXED - Fuel SD ballast strikethrough behavior
FIXED - NAV not flying correctly
FIXED - CAWS setting initial values being incorrect
FIXED - FCU backlighting functioning without power
FIXED - Missing ADG symbol on ELEC SD
CHANGED - Various engine sound improvements
CHANGED - ACARS no longer requires manual confirmation of callsign
CHANGED - VHF3 now displays DATA
CHANGED - Implemented correct landing gear handle behavior
ADDED - Autopilot control mappings (native support for Honeycomb Bravo, etc.)
ADDED - Various default control mappings
FIXED - PACK/trim performance
FIXED - Analog standby altimeter needle behavior
FIXED - Xbox controller rudder input not working
FIXED - Spoiler scrolling/clicking behavior
FIXED - Edge-case SimBrief import issue
FIXED - SimBrief NAT track importing
FIXED - Packs not cooling cabin
FIXED - Inability to steer/use rudder with keys
FIXED - Missing third MCDU backlighting
FIXED - Bleed system pressures with engines running and bleed valves closed
FIXED - PACK low flow indication error
FIXED - Outflow valve not working
FIXED - Analog standby slip indicator
FIXED - Cockpit door system not working
CHANGED - FCP interaction system
FIXED - AUX tank fuel transfer not shutting off by itself
FIXED - Tail fuel management not emptying tail before T/D
FIXED - ND ARPT button showing airports without aircraft-compatible runways
FIXED - VERT REV RETURN TO ACT F-PLN not always working
FIXED - Significantly incorrect EFOB calculations
FIXED - GW appearing as KG (not MT) on tape displays
FIXED - Takeoff thrust not shown on T/O MCDU page
FIXED - PFD and ND heading scale appearance
FIXED - Excessive engine nacelle temperature
FIXED - PAX LOAD selector not working
FIXED - ENGINE FAIL light activating during landing
FIXED - ISFD buttons not functioning
FIXED - Possiblity of fevel-off arrow appearing behind aircraft
FIXED - Additional third MCDU ACARS fixes
FIXED - Increased sim rate in MSFS not adjusting systems behavior (fuel burn, etc.)
FIXED - Selected heading not showing off-scale value
FIXED - Generator buttons not functioning in MANUAL mode
FIXED - Battery not showing green under load on ELEC SD
FIXED - Erroneous GEN LOAD HI messages
FIXED - Negative load/0 ZFW under some conditions
FIXED - EFB pressure value missing last digit
FIXED - Inability to clear ZFW from EFB
FIXED - EFB crash under certain conditions
CHANGED - EFB text fields now auto-highlight
FIXED - Exterior lights not working in MSFS
FIXED - Various CTDs/WASM crashes accessing pages on the third MCDU
FIXED - Shrunken ISFD
FIXED - WASM crash/CTD when accessing ACARS/TELEX messages from third MCDU
ADDED - Aileron trim indicator
ADDED - Step-climb behavior
ADDED - Polar mode
ADDED - OPT/MAX FL calculations
ADDED - Turn anticipation trend arrow
ADDED - Level off arrows
ADDED - EFB Performance calculator (MSFS)
ADDED - AFS and overhead FUEL lighting
ADDED - Ability to interrupt opening and closing of doors
ADDED - Pratt and Whitney engines [MSFS]
ADDED - Deflected ailerons
ADDED - simBrief importing
ADDED - CPDLC (Datalink)
FIXED - Flight/slat timing
FIXED - No TCAS FAIL message with IRS off
FIXED - TCAS test passing with IRS off
FIXED - COM radios not updating in P3D
FIXED - FCP not showing 8s during test
FIXED - TCAS display missing on PFD
FIXED - Missing FUEL header on FUEL SD
FIXED - Wrong tank boost pump fueling APU
FIXED - MCDU lights not illuminating during test
FIXED - Glideslope slash missing
FIXED - Incorrect box sizes on MISC SD
FIXED - ENG SD test display
FIXED - T/P always being treated as a climb leg
FIXED - Edge-case leg projection issue
FIXED - Inaccurate cruise performance prediction
FIXED - Incorrect wind calculations during climb predictions
FIXED - Various issues with SimBrief import
FIXED - SimBrief import not correctly identifying origin in flight plan
FIXED - Ability to start multiple engines at once
FIXED - A scenario preventing tail fuel management from working
FIXED - Pack 1/2/3 OFF alert behavior
FIXED - Gross weight showing KG not MT
FIXED - Tail Fuel Management not working under certain conditions
FIXED - Heading line is now a dotted line on the ND
FIXED - Flight controls retaining position without hydraulics (no droop)
FIXED - Inability to enter flap 28 on TO MCDU page
FIXED - Missing ELEC test symbols
FIXED - Missing HYD test symbols
FIXED - Fuel pump OFF light not reflecting status of the pumps
FIXED - Fuel XFEED DISAG light not illuminating
FIXED - APU running with low fuel
FIXED - Flight control behavior with respect to varying hydraulic system condition
FIXED - Ability to deploy thrust reversers without hydraulic/pneumatic power (PW/GE)
FIXED - Missing CONFIG test symbols
FIXED - How the minus is displayed on the MCP
FIXED - Amount of times the automatic cargo fire test is run
FIXED - Low FPS when opening and closing doors
FIXED - P3D door animations being too fast
FIXED - EXIT HOLD text overlapping the SPD label
FIXED - PROF TO/next altitude not showing during cruise in PROF mode
FIXED - Various artwork related items
FIXED - Markers not appearing on PFD
FIXED - (MSFS) Flaps 20 flight model behavior
FIXED - TAS displaying under 100 kts
FIXED - Missing test symbols on PFD during annunciator test
FIXED - Incorrect wind direction arrow geometry
FIXED - Heading bug appearing on PFD in NAV mode
FIXED - Missing dashed V1 and VR boxes
FIXED - Missing DH/RA amber box
FIXED - Missing ALT miscompare warning
FIXED - Trim green-band behavior
FIXED - T/D and S/C distance not showing on CRZ PERF page
FIXED - Static OPT/MAX FL on PERF page
FIXED - Incorrect vmax preventing gear extension at appropriate speed
FIXED - Missing weather/terrain radar annunciation
FIXED - T/O FLEX value not appearing on EAD
FIXED - Editing certain takeoff parameters not recalculating V-speeds
FIXED - (MSFS) EPR response in flight model
CHANGED - Engine start now consumes bleed air pressure
CHANGED - Flight dynamics improvements
CHANGED - Various art updates and fixes
CHANGED - Sound improvements
CHANGED - Improved stack memory usage
ADDED - Sliding magenta ball during FMS SPD takeoff
ADDED - Ground FMS SPD functionality
ADDED - PFD heading bugs
ADDED - ND selected heading bug
ADDED - (EFB/MSFS) Brightness option
ADDED - Initial hydraulic quantity
ADDED - New CAWS options
ADDED - ATS clamp modes
FIXED - CG not resetting on FPLN reset
FIXED - Hydraulic tests completing too quickly
FIXED - Alignment of VOR1 text on ND
FIXED - VOR distance rounding
FIXED - (EFB/MSFS) ZFW loading issue
FIXED - (EFB/MSFS) Broken DEP/ARR charts button
FIXED - (EFB/MSFS) EFB not pulling updated flight plan
FIXED - Unreasonable CG after loading via EFB
FIXED - Erroneous engine oil alerts
FIXED - Hydraulic pressure alerts during startup
FIXED - Inability to set seperate selected and preselected AFS values
FIXED - EAD greenbox appearing with less than landing flaps
FIXED - Rounding issue causing offset between FMA and FCP
FIXED - Glideslope warning occurring while above glideslope
FIXED - Hydraulic pressure not rounding
FIXED - APU starting instantly
FIXED - DC/AC tie buttons not flashing ELEC manual light
FIXED - TCAS displaying aircraft with excessive altitude separation
FIXED - T/O CLAMP behavior
CHANGED - Updated P3D EFB to be more inline with current MSFS options
CHANGED - Changed to Debug WASM build
ADDED - Nose up and nose down arrows to PFD
FIXED - Disappearing PFD attitude text
FIXED - Scenario causing freezing/extremely long flight plan predictions
FIXED - A scenario causing incorrect bearing-enforced flyover behavior
FIXED - A scenario allowing impossible turn predictions to be used
FIXED - Erroneous alerts (bad panel states)
ADDED - Variable exports for radios
ADDED - Thunderstorm light
ADDED - Door alerts
FIXED - Missing alert data (empty amber box)
FIXED - Missing gray box on tape EAD
FIXED - N2 and oil temperature ranges
FIXED - Generator DISC and FAULT visual layout
FIXED - TERR OVRD alert behavior
FIXED - Alignment of lower engine data on dial ENG SD
ADDED - TCAS functionality
ADDED - Fuel manifold lines to the Fuel Synoptic Display
ADDED - Tail Fuel Management
ADDED - Fuel dumping
ADDED - Fuel dumping emergency stop
ADDED - Tip fuel transfer
ADDED - Cold fuel recirculation
ADDED - Auto and manual fuel manifold draining
ADDED - Equalization of tank quantities
ADDED - Fuel SD synoptic EIS test display (annunciator light test)
ADDED - Fuel alerts
ADDED - Fuel system reverts to manual when CG out of limits
ADDED - SD pumps in AMBER on Fuel SD when commanded on & pressure is low
ADDED - SD tank temps in AMBER when temperature drops below freeze temp + 3°C
ADDED - Air system test
ADDED - Switch/button sounds
ADDED - Tire failure CAWS alert
ADDED - Stabilizer motion CAWS alert
ADDED - Slat overspeed CAWS alert
ADDED - Overspeed CAWS alert
ADDED - Altitude CAWS alert
ADDED - Cabin altitude CAWS alert
ADDED - Seatbelt and no smoking sound
ADDED - Initial oil quantity display
ADDED - Thrust limit magenta V to tape EAD
ADDED - Engine exceedence detection and display\
ADDED - Gray box on EAD tape display
ADDED - GPWS functionality
ADDED - Flashing functionality to RA indication on PFD
ADDED - Tuned NAVAID display
ADDED - Readable stencils and placards througout the fuselage and engine
ADDED - High resolution rivets
ADDED - Hydraulic and oil streak marks throughout the aircraft
ADDED - Dirt mask throughout the aircraft
ADDED - Reflective material within landing and taxi bulbs
ADDED - Wing flex
ADDED - 3D GPU and ASU ports in MSFS
ADDED - Cabin pressure relief door
ADDED - Roughness variations on engines and wings
ADDED - Lens flare effects
FIXED - EXT PWR AVAIL light not coming on without battery
FIXED - Fuel quantity not properly loading from state files
FIXED - Visual issues with stabilizer trim display
FIXED - Ability to select invalid altitudes in the FCP
FIXED - FUEL SYSTEM MANUAL message does not post
FIXED - Tail Tank low pressure message does not post
FIXED - AUX Tank low pressure message does not post
FIXED - Fuel temp should equal to OAT when starting flight
FIXED - No low fuel warning message posts
FIXED - Dump Manifold Persistent on fuel Synoptic Display
FIXED - Fuel dump system indication
FIXED - Fuel Usage with no engines/APU
FIXED - Ballast fuel in LBS while on KG
FIXED - TANK 1/2/3 PUMPS OFF message does not post
FIXED - Fuel jumping around
FIXED - Fuel Temperature in tank seems to cool too quickly
FIXED - Fuel quantity test INOP
FIXED - Ballast Fuel always indicated in Tank 2
FIXED - Gross weight and fuel changing rapidly
FIXED - Aux fuel doesn't fully empty nor shut off when in automatic
FIXED - Ballast fuel entry on MCDU INIT page
FIXED - AUX fuel quantity displayed on the overhead window
FIXED - Tank temperature double minus sign
FIXED - APU elements not shown on Fuel SD when OFF
FIXED - Tail fuel forward transfer to purge water
FIXED - In manual, AUX L/R TRANS switches turn upper and lower pumps on and off
FIXED - AP allowing engagement in TAKEOFF mode without V-speeds
FIXED - ACCEL and CLB THRUST height using AGL instead of MSL
FIXED - Reversed LSAS speed protection command
FIXED - Incorrect VOR2 pointer color
FIXED - VS/FPA starting in previously set value
FIXED - Sideslip not appearing on PFD
FIXED - Nose light shining into cockpit
FIXED - Thrust limits appearing in magenta even when manually set
FIXED - Gear animation smoothness (more improvement coming with the art update)
FIXED - Dial-a-flap movement behavior when flaps handle in dial-a-flap detent
FIXED - CDU MSG appearing infinitely if a panel state with a CDU message was loaded
FIXED - Emergency power being triggered incorrectly when a panel state is loaded
FIXED - APU start timing (#115)
FIXED - Hydraulic pressure reaching complete zero (#117)
FIXED - Hydraulic pressurization and depressurization time (#118)
FIXED - Hydraulic system pressures reading 3000 perfectly under all normal conditions (#119)
FIXED - Emergency light message not posting (#133)
FIXED - APU shutdown timing (#494)
FIXED - Inability to overwrite transponder code (#684)
FIXED - Ident light illuminating with ANNUN LT TEST (#773)
FIXED - Engine oil pressure, temp, and quantity limit indication
FIXED - Thrust limit magenta V on dial EAD not moving
FIXED - ETO and EFOB using incorrect anchor (shows too low then resets at the waypoint)
FIXED - ETO always rounding up on MCDU
FIXED - APU and engine fire handle lights illuminating during annunciator test
FIXED - Hydraulic pump display on SD under low pressure/high temperature situations
FIXED - Engine limit lines not appearing when engine is off/ECU is unpowered
FIXED - Gap in certain sounds
FIXED - GPWS switch and guard behavior
FIXED - Acceleration height triggering early
FIXED - Center gear behavior
FIXED - Stuck EXT GLY PWR light after annunciator test
FIXED - Missing geometry on ND
FIXED - VOR distance/bearing format on ND
FIXED - Master warning not flashing during test
FIXED - ATS flashing red ATS OFF when disconnected by reverse thrust
FIXED - Incorrect FMA altitude when PROF is available but not active
FIXED - Missing strobe within high intensity lights
FIXED - Missing wing and turnoff bulbs
FIXED - Missing negative symbol on mechanical standby altimeter
FIXED - Elevators being slightly misaligned at neutral
FIXED - Display glass reflections reflecting default DA42
FIXED - Lower cargo door actuators now move
FIXED - Fixed various animations for P3D
FIXED - Missing textures for P3D added
FIXED - Animations instantly flicking on view change in MSFS
FIXED - Reflections of the displays being projected on the windshield
FIXED - Missing spinner texture from behind
FIXED - Rain and snow entering cockpit and cabin
CHANGED - Transponder vertical mode now defaults to N
CHANGED - Ice detection system now has a buffer and improved cycling behavior to avoid rapid changes
CHANGED - Optimized certain PFD and ND visual elements
CHANGED - Improved chronometer reset behavior
CHANGED - Limited signal strength variable to >= 0
CHANGED - Material of inboard flap is now consistent
CHANGED - Increased chamfer width on PAX window curves
CHANGED - Increased model resolution for PAX windows on exterior
CHANGED - Interior and exterior models are now displayed at the same time in MSFS
CHANGED - Reduced fuselage pressurization effect
CHANGED - GE engine pylon texture
CHANGED - Various textures along the GE engine's exhaust cone
CHANGED - Engine spinner texture
CHANGED - Ambient occlusion maps now use global illumination
CHANGED - Landing gear textures redone
CHANGED - Fire handle and engine start switch textures
CHANGED - Reduced window depth on Freighter
ADDED - AP rudder control during initial climb and align/rollout mode
ADDED - New PROF calculation system allowing for planned decelerations
ADDED - Working track diamond on PFD and ND
ADDED - Working VOR indicators on ND
ADDED - HOLD support in NAV
ADDED - HOLD entry and management
ADDED - AFS VOR capture and track modes
ADDED - Support for procedure turn legs
ADDED - Offset nat-track entry (H#### format)
ADDED - Support for RF legs
FIXED - Leg calculations not using end of arrival runway as its location
FIXED - vAPP changes not triggering flight plan update
FIXED - Incorrect Vapp calculation
FIXED - Incorrect upcoming leg time and distance on ND
FIXED - Wrong speed being shown for speed predictions under certain conditions
FIXED - Certain parts of predictions being skipped
FIXED - Abstract legs not receiving proper EFOB values
FIXED - Incorrect course/heading to DME distance leg calculations
FIXED - T/C and T/D showing as upcoming leg on ND
FIXED - PROF not re-activating speed-on-pitch when altitude target changes
FIXED - Incorrect PROF alt target selection during cruise
FIXED - Mathematical error in PROF command V/S calculation
FIXED - Invalid leg calculations on certain overfly into track-to-fix legs
FIXED - ETO/ETE showing on ND DATA
FIXED - Odd stylization of flight levels on ND DATA
FIXED - TOGW only showing in pounds
FIXED - Overly sensitive ADD DRAG logic
FIXED - Incorrect predictions caused by incorrect leg phase detection
FIXED - Incorrect EFOB calculations
FIXED - FMS SPD display on PFD
FIXED - ILS capture behavior
FIXED - Ability to arm LOC and G/S after they are engaged
FIXED - Extremely long legs causing drawing issues
FIXED - Unused line on SID/STAR page
FIXED - Incorrect turn direction calculation on certain legs
FIXED - (MSFS) Unstable bank controller
FIXED - Incorrect max V/S indication on PFD
FIXED - Wildly incorrect fuel burn numbers
FIXED - ND VSI appearing while on the ground
FIXED - ND VSI scale
FIXED - Ability to enter RETARD mode in TAKEOFF mode
FIXED - Incorrect course/heading to radial termination leg calculation
FIXED - Incorrect ILS localizer tracking
FIXED - Cimb speed restrictions being wrongy applied to descent
FIXED - Unreasonable spikes in descent rate during PROF descent
FIXED - Descent deceleration prediction not working correctly
FIXED - Excessive descent rate during approach
FIXED - Slightly low distance on ND upcoming leg display
FIXED - Ability for predictions to appear without certain key data (CI, ZFW/GW)
FIXED - FMC predicting impossibly tight turns
FIXED - Incorrect track/course from fix leg calculation
FIXED - Incorrect magenta line behavior surrounding next-leg DISCONTINUITY
FIXED - Invalid FPA under certain conditions
FIXED - Flight plan update behavior
FIXED - Vertical flight director behavior
FIXED - Excessive autopilot bank commands
FIXED - Excessive altitude hold VS
FIXED - Unreasonably short fix-to-altitude legs
FIXED - Impossible turn-based legs not falling back to straight-line legs
FIXED - Certain waypoint names not drawing on ND
FIXED - Course to fix NAV behavior
FIXED - (P3D) Arcs greater than 180 degrees drawing incorrectly on the ND
FIXED - Missing validity checks for certain predictive turns
FIXED - LSAS handoff behavior
FIXED - AF leg behavior
FIXED - Colocated waypoints breaking NAV/magenta line
FIXED - Various issues relating to fly-over waypoints
FIXED - Runway waypoint leg generation
FIXED - Intercept magenta line/NAV behavior
FIXED - Missing wind direction and speed separator on ND
FIXED - Windshield heat state
FIXED - Automatic anti-ice enabling
FIXED - Pneumatic engine start behavior
FIXED - Loops on certain overfly segments
FIXED - LAT/LON waypoint entries causing DUPLICATE WAYPOINT selection
FIXED - Distance to arrival logic
FIXED - Ability to calculate certain predicted values without adequate data entry
FIXED - PROF calculations occurring after landing
FIXED - Prediction behavior around discontinuities
FIXED - PROG page wind display
FIXED - Various visual issues on the FPLN and DIR INTC page
FIXED - Jittery TAS
FIXED - Various data issues when executing a DIR TO
FIXED - Incorrect leg progress detection
FIXED - Leg advancement logic
FIXED - Inverted cross-track error on certain turns
FIXED - Loss of pitch FD guidance removing lateral FD guidance
FIXED - DUAL LAND engaging without both LOC and G/S mode
FIXED - Incorrect ETE/ETO calculations
FIXED - ILS not being properly tuned under certain conditions
FIXED - Overhead LSAS and ice light test behavior
CHANGED - Excessive pitch and bank rate can no longer disconnect autopilot
CHANGED - Cabin climb rate now has a dead zone
CHANGED - Improved corrective authority during NAV turn segments
CHANGED - Significantly improved T/C and T/D predictions
CHANGED - Improved PROF deviation correction authority
CHANGED - Improved PROF off-track behavior
CHANGED - Improved G/S logic
ADDED - Leg wind calculation system
ADDED - Leg temperature calculation system
FIXED - Misplaced degree display symbol on progress page
FIXED - Erroneous cabin altitude warnings under certain conditions
FIXED - Crash when entering airways
FIXED - Various FPLN and DIR INTC visual layout issues
FIXED - VERT REV 2/2 layout
FIXED - VERT REV wind entry system
FIXED - Broken/missing wind display on legs
FIXED - Broken/missing temperature display on legs
FIXED - Certain annunciators remaining on after light test
FIXED - (P3D) EFB text entry causing CTD
FIXED - (P3D) Incorrectly sized DUs
FIXED - Inconsistent CG display on FUEL and ENG SD
FIXED - (P3D) Overhead fuel readout not working
FIXED - (P3D) ISFD not working
FIXED - Offset MCDU display
FIXED - Automatic anti-ice behavior
FIXED - Missing anti-ice EIS messages
FIXED - Inability to access anti-ice system with the air system in automatic
FIXED - Permanently on anti-ice
CHANGED - Chocks now set in-sim parking brake
CHANGED - A-ICE ALL ON behavior improved
ADDED - New APU variable exports
ADDED - External air graphics on air SD
ADDED - External air functionality
ADDED - Various pack and bleed related alerts
ADDED - Pneumatic takeoff config check
ADDED - Automatic pack and bleed behavior during takeoff
ADDED - LSAS channel button functionality (lights are INOP)
ADDED - Basic avionics exhaust fan functionality
ADDED - Altitude-based automatic seatbelt sign option
ADDED - Display of related airways/procedure name above leg on FPLN page
ADDED - DIR TO Abeam point functionality
ADDED - DIR TO intercept functionality
ADDED - Ignition start inactivity functionality
FIXED - FO wall buttons not working
FIXED - Isolation valve alert behavior
FIXED - APU air and power alert behavior
FIXED - Ability to start engine with insufficient bleed air pressure
FIXED - Wall buttons (FLT DIR) not working properly
FIXED - Alerts instantly updating
FIXED - Missing animation code for MISC SD button
FIXED - Missing mechanical code for automatic anti-ice switch
FIXED - FCP values not syncing to current values when dashed
FIXED - Inability to enter transition on non-precision approaches
FIXED - Color/wording of next waypoint on ND
CHANGED - Improved flap and trim flight performance
CHANGED - Improved UI scaling of EFB
CHANGED - Pneumatic start bleed behavior
CHANGED - Cargo smoke vent switches are now on by default
CHANGED - RCWS now defaults to off
ADDED - FCP LVAR outputs
ADDED - Dial-a-flap axis mapping via propeller axis
FIXED - Minimums incorrectly adjusting by +- 10
FIXED - Crash related to terminal leg and disco sequencing
FIXED - Excessive hydraulic accumulator pressure
FIXED - Initial hydraulic quantities
FIXED - Localizer capturing too early
FIXED - PROF violating FCP altitude during cruise
FIXED - PROG showing TAT not SAT
FIXED - Both landing lights being mapped to one switch
FIXED - Auto ignition not coming on during takeoff and landing
FIXED - Lack of spacing between fuel flow values on tape display
FIXED - Fuel fill spigots appearing when not armed
FIXED - GNS NAV text on ND not changing to reflect navigation mode
FIXED - Aud hydraulic pump not shutting off after engine start
FIXED - APU auto-shutting off when started with IDGs powering busses
FIXED - Armed FMS SPEED activation not masking speed window
CHANGED - Improved flap lift/drag and approach attitude
CHANGED - Improved turbine LUTs
CHANGED - Toe brakes improved
CHANGED - Improved spoiler drag
CHANGED - Improved flap and gear drag
CHANGED - Improved roll rate
CHANGED - Centre of Gravity/EFB harmonisation
FIXED - Landing gear does not opening to allow trucks to enter
FIXED - Visual issue on CONFIG SD trim green band
FIXED - Reversers not appearing on F model
FIXED - Model issue with 1R door
FIXED - FCC1 being linked to FMC2
FIXED - Ridiculous CG due to strange payload loading
FIXED - Autopilots desyncing during single-AP flight
FIXED - Fan blade mesh
FIXED - Landing lights not extending
FIXED - L0 alerts not continuing into middle column of EAD
FIXED - Door 3L and 3R not opening
FIXED - Left main landing gear animation
FIXED - Rear cargo door not opening on F model
FIXED - Initial PACK light behavior
FIXED - TRIM AIR behavior
FIXED - Missing APU AIR message
FIXED - APU air automatically turning on
CHANGED - Removed center gear chocks
ADDED - Restriction and time display on ND in DATA mode
ADDED - TFDi Design house livery
ADDED - PROG page functionality
FIXED - Landing weight always showing in pounds on APPR page
FIXED - Digital/analog standby setting not saving
FIXED - Flight plan using block fuel, not UFOB
FIXED - EFOB not setting properly on certain legs
FIXED - PROF targeting altitude above cruise under some conditions
FIXED - Cruise altitude showing as "-99/-99..." on INIT page at times
FIXED - Visual reversal of ailerons
FIXED - RCWS attempting to control aircraft without valid data
FIXED - Resetting of speed/altitude predictions on departure runway/airport
FIXED - Inability to unmask FCP values in FMS-controlled modes
FIXED - Invalid airport elevation being entered as a PROF target
FIXED - Misuse of certain variables in flight plan calculations
FIXED - T/C and T/D predictions when they are adjacent
FIXED - Time prediction for FIX intercepts
FIXED - FMS SPD FCP edit behavior
FIXED - Pushing FMS SPD button not resetting FMS SPD mode to ECON
FIXED - Fuel valves defaulting to on in every scenario
FIXED - Invalid calculations on certain abstract waypoints
FIXED - Display of data around VECTOR or DISCONTINUITY on FPLN and DIR INTC page
FIXED - Missing dot in airplane symbol on ND
FIXED - Missing radar settings box on ND
FIXED - T/P waypoint not receiving valid ATO value
FIXED - NO LOC always showing in amber
FIXED - AFS speed selection not starting at FMS SPD correctly when editing
FIXED - CAWS altitude alerts occurring at wrong altitude
FIXED - Predictions of 0 or other incorrect values surrounding arrival
FIXED - Incorrect usage of distance field causing prediction issues
FIXED - Wildly inaccurate fuel predictions
FIXED - Prediction behavior surrounding discontinuities
FIXED - Cruise legs not getting an ETE
FIXED - ETE calculations
FIXED - T/C and T/D not having proper predictions
FIXED - DIR INTO and FPLN time display
CHANGED - Antiskid is now on by default
CHANGED - Panel states redone to fix issues with previous version
ADDED - SimBrief integration within the EFB
ADDED - Fix Data in FMS
ADDED - IRS alignment time option
ADDED - Working FIX INFO intercept/abeam behavior
ADDED - Captain and FO timer functionality
ADDED - Ability to disable hardware over-forcing the AP
FIXED - MAINT SD page having two pages
FIXED - Various timer/chrono related behaviors
FIXED - Early localizer capture (again)
FIXED - Analog standby altitude readouts
FIXED - Transponder can now be toggled between Mode A and C
FIXED - Annunciator light test no longer causes inaccurate conditions post test in the overhead
FIXED - Enroute timer using minute readouts after 60 minutes
FIXED - Aileron input being blocked after attempting to correct
FIXED - Gross weight on SD now updates with fuel burn
FIXED - T/D predictions overwriting the waypoint before T/C when T/C and T/D are adjacent
FIXED - Some engine indications appearing when EEC was unpowered
FIXED - Destination airport not having appropriate elevation data
FIXED - PPOS not being reset/removed by DIR TO
FIXED - Gross weight displaying too much accuracy on SD
FIXED - EFB not releasing keyboard and mouse input
FIXED - Starter cutting out at 60% N1
FIXED - RCWS incorrectly limiting input during over-bank situations
FIXED - Various lights still remaining on after annunciator test
FIXED - WBS system displaying values when gear is not on the ground
FIXED - Gross weight not updating throughout flight (again)
FIXED - Cruise altitude change not triggering NAV/PROF prediction update
CHANGED - Start valves now close at 45% N1 instead of 60% N1 for GE engines
CHANGED - EFB no longer presents incorrect CG and ZFWCG
FIXED - Mach indicator displaying behind speed bugs
FIXED - Minimums knob not switching between BARO and RA
FIXED - Scratchpad resetting erroneously
FIXED - Incorrect visual behavior of upper and lower symbol for BETWEEN altitude restrictions
FIXED - Unreasonably low fuel consumption
FIXED - L0 alerts starting from top of column 3 on EAD
FIXED - Options being saved/set in panel states
FIXED - Spoilers not deploying at main gear spinup
FIXED - PFD incorrectly rounding dial-a-flap settings causing visual mismatch
FIXED - Inability to reset minimums
FIXED - Standby IAS indicator showing wrong airspeed
FIXED - GE, GR, and SE bugs not respecting mach equivalents
FIXED - Gross weight not updating throughout flight
FIXED - FCC not requiring power
FIXED - Autobrake EIS message causing master caution and appearing on EAD
FIXED - Unreasonably high IRU residual ground speed
FIXED - Automatic seatbelt and no smoking behavior not matching real world reference
FIXED - Overlapping text when entering 5 airways
FIXED - Various PFD visual items
FIXED - Display of "NO GS" text
FIXED - Localizer capturing outside of regional deviation
FIXED - ENG SD not displaying certain data correctly
FIXED - Landing weight display
CHANGED - Last state is now saved on a per-registration basis
CHANGED - Updated GDIPlus libraries to latest MSFS SDK version
ADDED - Transponder state, mode, traffic range, and ident code (not yet linked to online networks)
ADDED - G/A button function
FIXED - Jetways entering fuselage
FIXED - Crash during descent/approach with no upcoming legs
FIXED - Speed protection occurring too often and too early
FIXED - Fuel used and fuel flow values displaying in incorrect units
FIXED - Inability to load cargo on F models
FIXED - Reversed wind display
FIXED - Wind vector setting not properly adjusting to the setting
FIXED - Incorrect parsing of input on POS INIT
FIXED - Flight plan scroll resetting too often
FIXED - Airway leg lookup logic
FIXED - Airway insertion occurring at wrong location in flight plan
FIXED - V1 and VR causing flight plan recalculation
FIXED - Incorrect response from F-PLN page when erasing or inserting certain waypoints
FIXED - Crash when clicking past the end of the flight plan
FIXED - Approach names not showing up correctly under some conditions
FIXED - Freeze when advancing throttles with a flight plan
CHANGED - Revised speed protection logic
Since version 1.0, some releases are sent to the Collector's Edition customers first as part of further quality assurance. The change logs below represent those changes. The combined changes from the last public release will be posted in the main changelog when the update is released to everyone.
CHANGED - Refined saw sample/tuned N1 curve (MSFS/GE)
CHANGED - Adjusted overall engine mix (MSFS/GE)
CHANGED - Adjusted groundroll volumes (MSFS/GE)
CHANGED - Added attenuation to engine sounds based on altitude (MSFS/GE)
ADDED - New ground roll sounds (MSFS)
ADDED - New flaps turbulence sounds (MSFS)
ADDED - New gear drag wind sounds (MSFS)
FIXED - Parking brake setting not being respected in EFB after reload
FIXED - GE engine oscillation
FIXED - ATS speed control performance
CHANGED - Improved ground roll spatialization (MSFS)
CHANGED - Re-tuned internal engine mix (GE) (MSFS)
CHANGED - Adjusted over wing mix (GE) (MSFS)
CHANGED - Enhanced flyby perspective effects (GE) (MSFS)
FIXED - Duct/zone temps not properly initializing
FIXED - LOC ONLY behavior
FIXED - P3D EFB visual issue on BEHAVIOR page
FIXED - Incorrect ETE to T/C or S/C on PERF page'
FIXED - Default anti-ice state in panel states
FIXED - Default engine bleed temperature
FIXED - Temperatures not starting at appropriate defaults
FIXED - Incorrect altitude alert exclusion logic
FIXED - CAWS alerts inhibiting too early during approach
FIXED - Manual ILS tuning selecting wrong course under certain conditions
FIXED - Analog standby altimeter not rolling properly
FIXED - FMA overlap under SINGLE LAND conditions
FIXED - Nose gear light incorrectly reading from right gear
FIXED - ABS DISARM light not appearing when arming for landing
FIXED - Landing altitude box not appearing properly with no value entered
FIXED - Erroneous throttle position indicator behavior
FIXED - ISOL valve button light not reflecting status
FIXED - Engine bleed pressure and temp when engines are off
FIXED - ND occasionally drawing invalid distances
FIXED - MSFS EFB showing ICAO length showing instead of ICAO
FIXED - Invalid default anti-ice setting
FIXED - Altitude alert behavior
FIXED - Ability to start/operate APU outside of acceptable envelopes
FIXED - Ability to restart engines outside of acceptable envelopes
FIXED - Engine ignition A/B not selectable together
CHANGED - Removed altitude alert exclusion type
CHANGED - Reduced volume of fuel ignition on startup (MSFS)
CHANGED - Slight improvements to exterior sound mix (MSFS)
CHANGED - Slightly reduced cockpit engine volume (MSFS)
CHANGED - Refined interior engine sound mix (MSFS)
FIXED - Erroneous throttle position indicator behavior
FIXED - Engine ignition A/B not selectable together
FIXED - Ability to restart engines outside of acceptable envelopes
FIXED - Ability to start/operate APU outside of acceptable envelopes
FIXED - Altitude alert behavior
FIXED - Invalid default anti-ice setting
FIXED - MSFS EFB showing ICAO length showing instead of ICAO
FIXED - ND occasionally drawing invalid distances
FIXED - Engine bleed pressure and temp when engines are off
FIXED - ISOL valve button light not reflecting status
FIXED - Temperatures not starting at appropriate defaults
CHANGED - Refined interior engine sound mix (MSFS)
CHANGED - Slightly reduced cockpit engine volume (MSFS)
CHANGED - Slight improvements to exterior sound mix (MSFS)
CHANGED - Reduced volume of fuel ignition on startup (MSFS)
ADDED - DSPY light behavior
ADDED - Simbrief import and integration for P3D
ADDED - Physical throttle position display
ADDED - SayIntentions support
ADDED - More robust baro sync options
ADDED - Minimums sync option
ADDED - Scroll wheel acceleration option
FIXED - Navigraph session/login not being saved
FIXED - SID and STAR page missing arrows
FIXED - FMS DONE phase not triggering properly
FIXED - Erroneous IRS light flashing
FIXED - Intermittent OPT/MAX altitude value dropouts
FIXED - Stabilizer trim moving without hydraulic power
FIXED - Overlapping analog and digital standby
FIXED - ECON speeds dropping out
FIXED - Rough autoland
FIXED - FMA indicating autoland with AFS off
FIXED - 250kt/10k limit not being applied at cruise below 10,000
FIXED - Ignition bolt not appearing with anti ice on
FIXED - Poor autoland flare and rollout behavior
FIXED - ILS intercepting without full configuration
FIXED - Localizer tracking wrong direction
FIXED - Various ILS capture issues
FIXED - ILS lazy tracking behavior
FIXED - Scroll acceleration not working properly
CHANGED - Improved GE whine sound
CHANGED - Improved GE sounds
CHANGED - Improved startup sound
FIXED - ECON DES IAS target exceeding VMO-10
FIXED - OPT ALT visually exceeding MAX ALT
ADDED - New economy cruise tables
ADDED - Dynamic VMO/MMO behavior based on altitude and tip fuel quantity
FIXED - OPT/MAX FL not resetting
FIXED - OPT/MAX FL not updating properly
FIXED - Alignment of SD and EAD outlines
FIXED - Aircraft exiting HOLD into HDG MODE after one loop
FIXED - FCC/MCDU resetting arbitrarily
FIXED - Incorrect MAX ALT data at high mach speeds
FIXED - Standby altimeter jumpiness
ADDED - Startup simulation to MCDU
FIXED - G/S warning inhibit never resetting
FIXED - PFD value flag behavior during IRU alignment
FIXED - GPWS callouts playing on the ground
FIXED - TCAS showing wrong sign for altitude separation
FIXED - All spoilers moving at identical rate
FIXED - Font size issue for ballast and total fuel
FIXED - MCDU not blanking often enough
FIXED - Overhead fuel displays not powering off when power is lost
FIXED - AUTOPILOT alert not always playing when power is connected
FIXED - Shutting down engine 2 stopping APU
FIXED - SEC FPLN state on reset
FIXED - ALTN fuel entry not properly converting units
FIXED - Extra fuel always displaying in pounds
FIXED - WXR/TERR missing in VOR and APPR mode
FIXED - Alignment of A/C STATUS page
FIXED - Various alignment issues on POS REF page
FIXED - LAT arrows missing on MCDU
FIXED - Alternate cruise altitude behavior via LAT REV
FIXED - Enable alternate behavior not working on SEC FPLN
FIXED - New destination not working on SEC FPLN
FIXED - Enable alternate behavior not working on LAT REV
FIXED - ALTN LEGS not including original destination
FIXED - Selection of SID/STAR on SEC FPLN
CHANGED - FCC (and FCP readouts) now take a few seconds to power on
CHANGED - Radios and fuel displays now take a few seconds to power on
ADDED - Cabin packs sound
FIXED - (P3D) Legacy rendering causing the radios to be rendered wrong
CHANGED - Localized all switches, buttons, levers, and misc interactives to the flight deck
CHANGED - Reduced volume of all interactive sounds (switches, buttons, etc)
CHANGED - Various additional sound fixes and enhancements
ADDED - New interior sound packs (GE/PW)
FIXED - Interior engine sound location
FIXED - Interior engine sound volume
FIXED - Re-recorded/re-balanced interior audio files
FIXED - Gear sound
FIXED - Ground roll sounds
FIXED - Packs sound starting instantly (MSFS)
FIXED - Flap sound
FIXED - Reverser sounds
CHANGED - Adjusted volume and position of chimes/warnings
CHANGED - The installation directory of a simulator can now be changed by right clicking its box before install
CHANGED - Hovering over a simulator box during install shows its location
FIXED - A condition causing unreasonably low trim in flight
FIXED - Certain CAWS/GPWS sounds not repeating quickly enough
FIXED - Initial crash caused by bad state
FIXED - Jittery altimeter
FIXED - Engine ignition does not turn off after shutdown
FIXED - Pax load selector being allowed to select invalid numbers
ADDED - RemoteCDU support
ADDED - Altimeter variable exports
FIXED - NEXT WPT on LAT REV not working properly
FIXED - RETRACT SPD BRK appearing during derotation
FIXED - CPDLC not accepting digits in station name
FIXED - Excessive flap drag in certain cases
FIXED - Missing chime sounds in MSFS
FIXED - Delay in OVERSPEED sound in MSFS
CHANGED - Seatbelt sign and no smoking sign now write to the default simulator values
FIXED - Misplaced sounds in MSFS
FIXED - Certain forward-trim cruise conditions in MSFS
FIXED - Excessive flap drag on landing in MSFS
ADDED - Export variables for fuel readout displays
ADDED - Weather radar functionality (MSFS-native and Active Sky for P3D)
ADDED - Terrain radar functionality (MSFS only)
ADDED - WXR test pattern behavior (both sims)
ADDED - TERR test pattern behavior (both sims)
FIXED - Some cockpit ambience sounds are now only audible in the cockpit (MSFS)
FIXED - TCAS showing too much traffic in N mode
FIXED - Thrust reverser sounds not properly transitioning (MSFS)
FIXED - APU sound (MSFS)
FIXED - Flap sound (MSFS)
FIXED - GPU sound origin (MSFS)
FIXED - WXR button mechanical behavior
FIXED - AUTOLAND status not resetting after landing
FIXED - VORDMEs being displayed as DMEs
FIXED - Pushing/pulling the HDG knob deselecting PROF
FIXED - Activating PROF does not activate FMS SPD
FIXED - PFD FMS SPD mismatch on ground
FIXED - V1 showing in white erroneously
FIXED - SEC PROGRESS title appearing incorrectly
FIXED - Excessive flap drag on mid-range flap settings
FIXED - Forced maximum autobrake
FIXED - Wrong VOR course appearing under some conditions
FIXED - MISC SD erroneously prompting for second page
FIXED - Erroneous next page option on MCDU MENU page
FIXED - Incorrect STAB TRIM visual behavior after landing
FIXED - Blank MCDU after using duplicate waypoint on DEFINED WPT page
FIXED - PW4460 base T/O thrust limit
FIXED - Inability to use aircraft as an addon package in P3D
FIXED - Flaps not being properly reported to tracking applications
FIXED - Broken states in hangar view/cinematic previews
CHANGED - Aircraft now automatically falls back to legacy rendering engine when PDK2D2D is removed
FIXED - T/O THRUST activating with ATS off
FIXED - RCWS causing permanent outboard aileron lockout
CHANGED - Included current panel states
FIXED - PROF TO not showing in meters when meters are selected
FIXED - (P3D) Default GPWS conflict
FIXED - VS/FPA button in P3D
FIXED - Lack of fuel not causing engines to flame out
FIXED - Lack of fuel not causing APU to flameout
FIXED - Edge case crash in CAWS system caused by ADC power loss
FIXED - Spoiler toggle event only extending spoiler
FIXED - Engine start possible without air source
FIXED - Invalid RTE RSV FUEl entry when entered by weight
FIXED - VOR/ADF needles instantly snapping to values
FIXED - Canadian altimeter setting in MSFS EFB
FIXED - Missing FD1/FD2 annunciation on PFD
FIXED - CAWS alert power requirements
FIXED - MASTER WARNING/MASTER CAUTION/SD cue lights activating without DEU power
FIXED - ABS DISARM light not coming on when initially selecting AUTOBRAKE TO
FIXED - Windshield wiper INT behavior
FIXED - Windshield wiper timing
FIXED - AP heading bug not following aircraft heading on ground
FIXED - Brake behavior and baro sync options not being retained properly
FIXED - P3D EFB maximum fuel value not matching
CHANGED - Changed TCAS altitude calculation to attempt to resolve erroneous altitude reporting
ADDED - Realistic parking brake engagement logic and option
ADDED - Altimeter sync setting and functionality
ADDED - AILERON DEFLECT OVRD code (button does not yet function)
FIXED - AUTOPILOT alert not playing on startup
FIXED - EVAC switch behavior with respect to the guard
FIXED - GPWS OVRD switch/guard not playing sound
FIXED - EVAC switch/guard not playing sound
FIXED - (P3D) EFB not applying DEFLECTED AILERON setting
FIXED - Horizontal alignment of vertical FMA
FIXED - Pitch stability and pitch trim flight performance
FIXED - ER buttons not animating
FIXED - Chocks preventing brake actuation
FIXED - PIP pylons not working
FIXED - Wingflex-related visual issue
FIXED - Gear handle release button not working
FIXED - Deflected aileron button not working
FIXED - Backward strobe lights
FIXED - Missing wingtip nav light
FIXED - Missing strobe ground flash
FIXED - Deflected aileron override button appearing with option disabled
FIXED - Gear handle animation
FIXED - Strobe timing
CHANGED - Improved display startup timing
CHANGED - Certain EFB settings saving to the airframe instead of user settings
FIXED - (P3D) Hoppie code not displaying after saving
FIXED - Avionics fan starting without A/C power
FIXED - Oil pressure alert during startup
FIXED - Cabin lighting brightness
FIXED - MIN PROF not being reset by changing approach
FIXED - A scenario causing v-speeds to be reset