Pushing permits alternate selection of either heading (HDG) or track (TRK) to be displayed in the HDG/TRK display window and on the ND. Operation of this button before HDG/TRK HOLD does not affect the window target number. Operation of the button in the HDG/TRK mode compensates the window target to account for any difference in the magnetic heading and track angle but does not change existing control mode or AP/FD reference until the HDG/TRK selector is pushed or pulled.
Shows selected HDG or TRK. Window is blank when the AFS is controlling to the FMS flight plan. At initial powerup the window shows 000 as a preselected value if a valid magnetic heading is not available. If a valid magnetic heading is available at powerup, this is displayed. For powerup while airborne, the current heading is shown as the preselected value.
HDG/TRK Selector (Inner Knob)
Turn to preselect:
Pull to select:
Push to hold:
Bank Angle Limit Selector (Outer Knob):
Allows selection of maximum bank angle in 5-degree increments (5 to 25 degrees). In the AUTO position bank angle limits vary with speed (bank limits decrease as speed increases). This selector cannot override FMS-computed bank angle limits. Bank angle limits are displayed on the top of the PFD attitude sphere.
Push to arm the FMS NAV capture mode or resume FMS lateral control if the capture criteria are satisfied. The NAV armed mode can be cancelled by pushing HDG/TRK hold, selecting APPR/LAND arm, capturing the ILS localizer, or by capturing FMS NAV. After NAV capture, commands are supplied from the FMS. NAV arming is available on the ground once engines are started. NAV guidance is active at 100 feet AGL in FD mode. AP NAV guidance is not available until 400 feet AGL.
The preselected or selected IAS or MACH number is displayed in this window. The range is from 100 to 499 KIAS and M 0.500 to M 0.900. The left end of the display shows IAS or MACH depending on which function is selected. The window shows dashes when the AFS is controlling to the FMS flight plan speed.
Pushing the button permits alternate selection of IAS or MACH to be displayed in the window.
Turn to preselect:
If the IAS is displayed, pushing the IAS/MACH changeover button allows display and preselection of the desired cruise Mach. The preselected IAS is retained and displayed when the changeover button is pushed again. At the altitude where the selected IAS corresponds to the preselected Mach, the display and the selected speed reference will automatically change to the Mach mode. The inverse operation (IAS preselection) is available for descent. Changeover to the equivalent Mach or airspeed value occurs automatically at 26,000 feet if no Mach has been preselected.
Pull to select:
Push to hold:
Pushing selects the armed FMS speed, typically an ECON speed, and cancels any selected or preselected speed or Mach number. The IAS/MACH display window shows IAS -- or MACH -- and the FMA speed target and speed control legend changes from white to magenta. Pushing the FMS SPD switch within 10 seconds after preselecting an FCP speed results in editing the FMS-computed speed. The window shows IAS -- (or MACH --) and the PFD FMA speed is the edited FMS speed reference in white (magenta if equal to ECON speed). The FMS SPD mode is disengaged by pushing or pulling the IAS/MACH select knob or by engaging go-around modes. On takeoff, pushing the PROF switch above 400 feet AGL engages PROF and FMS SPD.
The altitude tape on the right side of the PFD is always in feet. Pushing this button allows the pilot to select feet or meters on the FCP, FMA, and lower right corner of the PFD. When meters are selected the values are preceded by an M. When feet are selected the values ar preceded by an FT.
Displays the selected or preselected altitude for altitude alerting and AP/FD altitude control (except during G/S mode). Range is from 0 to 50,000 feet. Display at initial powerup is 10,000 feet. Window is blank if both air data computer references fail.
Precision altitude selection increments (one detent) for slow knob rotation are:
Turn to preselect:
Pull to select:
Push to hold:
Push to engage the FMS vertical profile guidance if not previously engaged. After PROF engage, commands are supplied from the FMS (based on inserted flight plan). On takeoff, PROF will not engage until 400 feet AGL. On landing PROF can stay engaged until 50 feet. In takeoff mode, this switch will also engage FMS speeds.
Pushing permits alternate display and control of either vertical speed in fpm or FPA in tenths of degrees. When the V/S-FPA is not engaged, alternate function is not selected until the pitch thumbwheel is rotated. After V/S or FPA is engaged, the displayed value is always the selected value.
Displays vertical speed or FPA. Display is blank if V/S or FPA are not engaged. When FPA is selected, the value is in degrees and tenths. When V/S is selected, the value is in fpm.
Rapid rotation results in large changes in the display window. Slow rotation
results in 100 fpm (or 0.1 degree) changes per detent. A vertical speed bug is
positioned on the PFD vertical speed tape corresponding to the selected
vertical speed.
Roll to select:
Push to arm the APPR and LAND modes. LAND ARMED appears in the FMA roll control window. A tuned ILS is required to arm APPR/LAND.
Push to engage both ATs and one AP in the FD mode that has been selected. If no FD mode has been selected, the AP engages in HDG/TRK HOLD and either altitude hold (if aircraft about level) or vertical speed hold (if aircraft climbing/descending).
After AP engagement, each push alternates the AP between AP1 and AP2. AP mode is always retained. AP1 or AP2 will appear on the FMA (top of PFD).
On ground, pushing engages autothrottles only. Below 100 feet the AP will not engage. If the AP is engaged above 100 feet, it will remain engaged after passing below 100 feet only in LAND or GA modes.
Operating hydraulic systems required for AP and auto pitch trim are as follows:
Push down for emergency disconnect of respective autopilot and autothrottle. In OFF, an amber and gray bar comes into view. Additional FCC functions are affected as follows:
Functions stay on: Altitude alerting, auto ground spoilers, auto pitch trim - LSAS, auto slat extend, elevator load feel, engine trim, flap limiting, FD, LSAS, speed protection - LSAS, stall warning, yaw damp/turn coordination, and windshear guidance.
Functions go off: AP auto pitch trim, Roll control wheel steering, and speed protection - AP & ATS.
Controls the reference for the heading/track indicator on the ND. If MAG is selected the reference will be magnetic north. If TRUE is selected the reference will be true north.
Push to select VOR mode on the ND. VOR mode allows the display of full compass rose and a course deviation indicator. VOR display is compatible with MAP and APPR mode display. Weather data may be displayed in the VOR mode.
Push to select APPR mode on the ND. APPR mode is identical to the VOR mode except that the CDI data source is an ILS receiver. No TO/FROM display is shown in the APPR mode.
Push to select TCAS display on the ND with 2 nm range ring and auto range to 10 nm.
Pushing this knob alternates between weather radar and terrain awareness display on ND. Brightness of display is adjusted by turning this knob clockwise or counter clockwise direction.
Controls the bearing pointer display on the ND. Pushing selects or deselects the corresponding source.
Controls the function of the map range on the ND. Push INCR to increase the map range from 10/20/40/80/160/320, up to a maximum of 640 nautical miles. Push DECR to decrease map range to a minimum of 10 nautical miles. Map range is displayed on the ND.
Push to select PLAN mode on the ND. PLAN mode displays the north-up flight plan with a reference aircraft moving along it. All map data may be displayed in the PLAN mode.
Push to select MAP mode on the ND. MAP mode allows the display of non-flight plan waypoint, airports, navaids, weather radar data, and bearing pointers.
Push to select full-time TCAS traffic display on the ND in MAP, VOR, APPR and TCAS modes. If a full-time display is not selected with this switch, traffic display is inhibited until TA or RA occurs.
Push to select display of waypoint data on the ND. Waypoint data consists of an identifier, crosstrack deviation, and waypoint constraint data.
Push to select display (cyan) of non-flight plan waypoints on the ND.
Push to select display (cyan) of non-tuned VORs, DMEs, VOR/DMEs, or non directional beacons (NDBs) on the ND. Tuned stations are displayed in white and are not deselectable through this switch.
Push to select display of non-flight plan airports normally not displayed on the ND. Runways displayed have at least 5,000 feet of available stopping distance. Origin and destination airports are normally displayed on the ND.
BAROSET values may be in either inches mercury or hectopascals. Pushing this button causes the units to toggle from inches mercury to hectopascals or vice versa.
The BAROSET value is adjusted by turning the inner collar.
The outer collar allows the selection of QFE (altitude above station) or QNH (altitude above sea level). Pulling this knob selects the standard BAROSET QNE (29.92 or 1013.2 Hp). BAROSET, QFE and QNH values are displayed on the PFD below the altitude scale.
The QFE is disabled on the TFDi MD-11
The RA minimums bug is a solid triangle on the left side of the PFD altitude tape. To set the RA bug, turn the inner collar with the knob in RA.
The baro minimums bug is a solid triangle on the right side of the PFD altitude tape. To set the baro bug, turn the inner collar with the knob in BARO. BARO position during initial climb can cause nuisance aural warnings.
Pushing the knob resets the PFD DH alert and silences the aural warning.
Triangular mark indicates center of roll index and center of horizon spheroid. Pointer on spheroid moves in relationship to pointer on roll index indicating amount of roll.
Indexed scale indicates amount of roll left or right. Triangular mark indicates center (zero degrees roll), short tick marks indicate 10 and 20 degrees increments followed by large tick marks indicating 30, 45, and 60 degrees of roll.
Miniature airplane is fixed to the instrument frame.
Provides a means to bypass the normal electrical erection process of the indicator and orients the internal gyro within 1.0 degrees of an apparent vertical axis. Pulling the knob out will erect the gyro in pitch and roll.
Slip and skid is indicated by ball in fluid.
A plastic sphere with a horizon line engraved in the center to indicate the transition between a climb and a dive condition. The sphere is marked to indicate pitch attitude with a long horizontal line every 10 degrees and a short line indicating 5 degree increments.
Displays altitude from -1,000 to 50,000 feet in 1,000 foot increments. The zero position in the left hand ten-thousands is indicated by a green square when below 10,000 feet and a red square when below sea level.
Indicates altitude against a graduated circular dial, numbered every 100 feet. Pointer makes one complete circle every 1,000 feet.
Indicates pressure, set through the BARO set knob, in inches of mercury.
Triangular shaped lubber line indicates non-corrected indicated airspeed.
Sets barometric pressure.
Indicates pressure, set through the BARO set knob, in millibars.
Mechanically positions landing gear hydraulic control valve for retraction or extension of landing gear. To move handle from UP or DOWN it must be pulled aft. An interlock prevents moving GEAR handle to UP if hydraulic pressure to landing gear trim system fails. A force of 160 pounds may be applied to GEAR handle without causing damage to system.
Failure of the landing gear trim system prevents moving the GEAR handle to UP.
Green illuminates when:
Red illuminates when:
All lights are extinguished when the GEAR handle is up and the landing gear is up and locked.
Red and green illuminate when the respective main gear door maintenance safety hook is installed.
An unsafe condition on one of the two gear indicating systems does not require a mandatory visual inspection. Any green indication indicates a safe gear.
Improved gear lights that are red on top and green on bottom. They are easier to read in direct sunlight
Permits main gear to be extended without extending center gear.
UP prevents center gear from extending when main gear is extended. Center gear warning circuits are inhibited.
If switch is not illuminated, center gear will extend and retract when main gear extends and retracts by means of gear handle. If switch is illuminated, the center gear remains retracted regardless of GEAR handle position.
Releases anti-retraction mechanism and permits gear handle to be placed in UP in event of ground sensing release mechanism malfunction.
Illuminates when heat or smoke is detected in lower FWD or AFT (respective) cargo compartment
HEAT OR SMOKE (illuminated)
DISAG (illuminated)
Pressing the Switch
FWD 1 or AFT 1 (Illuminated)
Pressing the switch
LOW (illuminated)
FWD 2 or AFT 2 (illuminated)
Pressing the switch
LOW (illuminated)
The Cargo Fire Test will automatically start when the first IRS selector is moved from OFF to NAV. This test is rearmed to start automatically after each landing, or when electrical power is removed from the aircraft. If an IRS selector is subsequently cycled OFF, then back to NAV (without the accomplishment of a landing or without removing power from the aircraft), the automatic Cargo Fire Test will not start. If, for any reason, the automatic Cargo Fire Test does not after the IRS selector from OFF to NAV, the Cargo Fire Test can be initiated manually by pressing the MANUAL TEST switch.
Initiating the cargo fire test:
During the Cargo Fire Test, the Air Synoptic Display will show the status of smoke and heat detectors. Smoke detectors are normally displayed as solid amber triangles in their respective compartment locations.
Heat detectors are normally displayed as solid amber circles in their respective compartment locations.
Moving the IRS selectors from OFF to NAV begins a 10 minute alignment period. During this alignment period, the IRS determines the
approximate current latitude based on calculations using the motion measured from the rotation of the Earth. The calculated latitude is then compared to the present position latitude from the FMS INIT page when the "INITIALIZE IRS" prompt is selected. A significant mismatch between the calculated latitude and the latitude entered from the INIT page will result in a failed alignment. Longitude cannot be calculated during initialization in the same manner. However, the longitude from the last shutdown is stored and used as a reasonableness check during the next alignment. Pressing the "INITIALIZE IRS" prompt when a significant (assumed) longitude position error exists will also result in a failed alignment. Any failed alignment will be indicated by flashing NAV OFF lights, level I "IRU I NO ALIGN, IRU 2 NO ALIGN and IRU AUX NO ALIGN" alerts, and a Master Caution alert.
Be very careful when verifying the INIT page LAT/LONG. The FMS/IRS can, in certain cases, be forced to accept an incorrect position
Although the FMS receives position updates from several sources, the IRS does not receive any enroute updates. If you enter an incorrect present position during initialization, the IRS will operate with this error for the entire flight. Since the FMS receives updates, this won't be a serious problem until you lose both FMSs in Class 11 airspace, and you are left with only IRS navigation. If this occurs, you will have an immediate position error approximately equal to the position error entered during alignment. For this reason, it is very important to ensure that the INIT page present position coordinates are correct prior to selecting the "INITIALIZE IRS" prompt. A rapid alignment (appx 3 mins) may be accomplished by moving the IRS switches from NAV to OFF, then back to NAV within 5 seconds. Realignment will then be initialized with the existing attitude and heading. Velocities will be zeroed.
Movement of the first IRS switch from OFF to NAV (after a landing has occured) will initiate the Cargo Fire Test
Steady On
Maintenance use only
Not to be used by Flight Crew
Used to control annunciator light intensity
Used to test all annunciator lights in the cockpit. Pressing button will illuminate all lights. Holding button (approximately 5s) will initiate the CAWS test.
The FADEC controls:
The FADEC system utilizes dual channel ECU (GE) or EEC (P&W) units, each having two CADC inputs. Cross-talk between channels allows for normal operation with the failure of one ECU or EEC channel. Each ECU or EEC is selfpowered by an N2 driven PMA (Permanent Magnet Alternator). The PMA has dual windings, each powering an individual ECU or EEC channel. 28vDC power is also available on all GE, and some P&W powered MD-11s, from its respective DC bus in the event of a failure of both PMA windings. The failure of both EEC/ECU channels, or the failure of both windings of the PMA (if not equipped with 28v backup power), will cause an automatically controlled engine shutdown to occur.
FADEC uses two CADC inputs to each
EEC or ECU channel. The loss of one CADC
input to an ECU or EEC channel has no affect on
normal operation. When both CADC inputs to an
EEC or ECU channel have been lost, FADEC
automatically switches to the other EEC or ECU
channel. If both CADC channels have been lost to
both EEC or ECU channels, SELECT and ALTN
will illuminate. When this condition exists, the
FADEC uses the last CADC input it sensed to
calculate thrust. When ALTN is pressed, SELECT
will extinguish and ALTN will remain illuminated.
Alternate mode of the FADEC utilizes an internal,
fixed schedule to determine thrust level for the
selected throttle position. This internal schedule
may cause thrust to increase, but will never cause
thrust to decrease. With P&W engines,
autothrottles are not available when operating in
the ALTN mode.
Pushing throttles through overboost bar will also cause FADEC to revert to ALTN mode.
Ign A is powered by L emergency bus, and is required for dispatch. Ign B is powered by R emergency bus.
(“A” Odd flt # / “B” even flt #)
-No ignition source is selected and no power is being supplied to the ignitors.
A (or B) – Switch selects ignition in the Auto mode. A (or B) Illuminates when ignition A (or B) is selected.
Selecting Ign A or B will:
MANUAL (illuminated)
Auto ignition control has failed, and the engine
ignition that is selected (either A or B) is commanded
on continuously until the pilot chooses to assume on /
off control manually.
Continuous Ignition (Auto mode)
Automatically on for start, takeoff (On when > 70o
throttle resolver angle; Off when slats retracted),
landing (On when slats, flaps or gear extended; Off 1
minute after ground shift) and 60 seconds after
engine A/I is turned on.
Pressing switch powers both ignitors on all engines and bypasses auto ignition control.
Simultaneously to fire handle illumination, the following occurs:
Pulling the fire handle accomplishes the following:
Rotating the Fire Handle (after pulling)
Illuminates when respective bottle is discharged (battery bus powered)
Min Hyd quantity for dispatch
Sys 3 = 6 gals, sys 1 & 2 = 4.75 (5.25 desired) – Loss of fluid in system 3 down to 4.75 gals will close a oneway check valve, preventing total fluid loss from leak in the tail section.
Non-Reversible Motor Pumps
2-1 NRMP provides hyd power for the upper rudder and stab trim with a loss of Sys 1 hydraulics. 3-2 NRMP provides hyd power for the lower rudder with a loss of Sys 2 hydraulics. No fluid is exchanged through the NRMP’s. Fluid is provided from alternate reservoir systems referred to as compensators.
Autopilot use with hydraulic
system loss:
Lose 1 – Use A/P 1
Lose 2 – Use A/P 2
Lose 3 – Use A/P 2 *
If using A/P 1 with a loss of Sys 3, A/P will not be able to control stab trim.
Enhancement “Sioux City” Valve
Valve located near pressure bulkhead in HYD System 3 protects hyd fluid forward of the valve. Closes at 4.75 gals Enough Sys 3 fluid will be retained to allow pitch & roll control through use of horizontal stab trim and lateral controls powered by Hyd system 3.
Controls Avail.:
Switch Controls the RMP shutoff valves when hydraulic system is in Manual mode
RMP(s) On (ON illuminated) RMP(s) OFF (ON Extinguished)
If in Manual Mode -Hyd reservoir quantity < 1 gal on either side of RMP
-Switch pressed and Respective RMP has been commanded on -ADG deployed with ADG electric switch off
If in Auto Mode -Cruise flight with two hyd systems pressurized
-Any N2 falls below 45% during taxi, takeoff or landing -Engine start in flight
-Eng driven pumps unable to maintain pressure during taxi, T/O or landing
-Auto slat extend DISAG
-Loss of second engine or second hyd system during cruise phase of flight -Disagreement between valves and commanded position
-When selecting Manual during Auto operation -RMP commanded OFF & pressure still exists in system
Illuminates if hyd pressure is too high or too low (<2400 or >3500). Extinguishes when press is normal
The L PUMP switch commands the respective engine hyd pump On/Off when operating in Manual mode. The R PUMP switch
commands the respective engine hyd pump Armed/Off when operating in manual mode. Both switches for the respective engine are disabled in Auto mode. With the engine running and hydraulic systems operating normally, the respective engine driven L PUMP is ON, and the R PUMP is armed (ready to operate in the event of a L PUMP malfunction). Right pumps are tested at engine start. FAULT (illuminated) When low pressure (<2400) or high temperature (>245o in pump case drain) is detected. In auto mode, a failure of the primary (left) pump will cause the secondary (right) pump to start.
Switches command AUX PUMP(S) on or off
when operating in Auto or Manual mode.
Initiates hyd pressure test. Switch operates only in Auto mode.
TEST (Illum.)
Two channels – pressing once selects manual. Pressing a second time selects second auto channel.
SELECT (illuminated)
Electrical Priority for the AC gen bus is:
Electrical Priority for the AC Tie bus is:
ON (Off light extinguished)
OFF (Off light illuminated)
In Manual mode, Switch controls the Bus Tie Relay.
ARM illuminates in Auto mode.
OFF & ARM Extinguished
Switch controls RCCBs in Man mode
Switch inop in Auto mode
open due to:
Extinguished (default mode after ADG is deployed)
Allows selection between Auto and Man
Isolates Elec & Air (for smoke) in Auto or Manual modes
3/1 OFF
2/3 OFF
1/2 OFF
OFF (Illuminated)
Switch starts APU (if not already started from APU panel) and powers GEN busses.
Switch resets generator in manual mode.
Auto mode will perform this function automatically, if req’d.
Switch disconnects IDG in Auto or Man modes
Fault: illuminates when:
IDG disconnect req’d
Controls Batt transfer to L EMER AC/DC bus
Selector operates in Auto or Manual mode
OFF (also illuminates OFF light)
If normal pwr is lost, batt will automatically supply pwr to:
For auto transfer to occur:
ON (also illuminates ON light)
65o to 85o range – Center position is 75o
COLD (full)
Controls respective pack flow valve in manual mode – Switch inhibited in Auto
Opens/closes Trim Air Press
Regulator Valves in manual mode
OFF (pushed in Manual Mode)
Pushing a 2nd time (while illum.)
reopens the AC shutoff valve.
Allows selection between (2) Auto channels and (1) Manual channel. When functioning properly, the Air System defaults to an Auto Channel. Pressing the switch then selects the Manual mode. Pressing the switch again selects the other Auto channel.
Controls the Eng bleed valve in the manual mode
Operates in parallel with, & identical to the MAN TEMP HI switch
PRESS (illuminated)
OFF (Pressed in Man)
Works in Auto or Manual mode
Starts/Stops Econ op’s of packs
ESC automatically turns ECON mode on/off as req’d for flt conditions.
Unless otherwise needed, Air system normally operates in ECON mode with packs operating on low volume.
Controls the Eng Bleed valve in Manual mode
Operates in parallel with, and identical to the BLEED AIR PRESS Switch
MANF (Auto or Manual)
TEMP HI (Auto or Manual)
In Auto, the respective Eng Bleed valve closes to remove bleed air from a damaged system.
Open/close respective ISOL
valve when sys is in Manual.
Inhibited in Auto mode
ON (Switch pressed in Manual)
Opens & closes APU bleed air load valve
Starts/Stops override of the avionics exhaust fan and venturi shutoff valve in the manual mode.
FLOW Illuminates if:
OVRD (pressed in Manual mode)
Illuminates if cabin approaches 15,000 ft, and masks in crew rest module have not (auto) deployed.
Pressed & held for 3 seconds deploys the masks
Fuel Capacity
Tank 2 = 64,000 lbs
Tank 1 / 3 = 40,500 lbs
U/L Aux = 98,100 lbs
Tail = 13,100 lbs
Total = 256,800 lbs
Switch opens the respective Fill valve in Manual mode
1st Press:
2nd Press
ARM (illuminated)
FILL (illuminated)
APU In-Flight Parameters:
Start Up to 25,000 ft.
Run Up to 30,000 ft (electrical only)
APU Auto Shutdown:
-Overspeed or loss of N1or N2 signal -High EGT or loss of EGT signal
-Low oil pressure or high oil temp -No light-off during start, or slow start
-Reverse flow in bleed air system -Inlet door not open, or power failure
-Fire warning -Loss of DC power
Illuminates when an APU fire is detected, and automatically commands:
Pulling the APU Fire Handle:
Rotating the handle (after pulling):
Starts and stops the APU manually
If this switch is used to start the APU, it must also be used to shut it down
ON (Switch pressed and ON illuminated)
OFF (When pressed)
FUEL (illuminated)
DOOR (illuminated)
LOW (illuminated)
When pressed:
When on battery power only, the Master
Warning lights, Fire Bell and FIRE alerts
will not activate
OFF (illuminated)
This switch is only installed on aircraft that have the third, dedicated APU fire bottle installed.
LOW (illuminated)
DISC (illuminated)
DISC Switch Pressed
LSAS provides:
The Flap Limiting System automatically retracts flaps if the airspeed exceeds speed limits for flap settings between 22 and 50 degrees. This automatic flap limiting is only active at speeds greater than 175 kts. The system provides automatic retraction and prevents further extension. If flap position airspeeds are exceeded (causing auto retraction), flaps will return to the selected position when speed is reduced.
MANUAL (illuminated)
The Auto Flap Limiting System has two channels. Failure of the first channel will cause the Flap Limiting System to automatically switch to the remaining channel. In the event of a failure of both channels, MANUAL will illuminate and a SEL FLAP LIM OVRD level 2 alert will display. In this case, manual override is required through the use of the
AUTO / OVRD selector. MANUAL will also illuminate if the AUTO / OVRD selector is moved out of the AUTO position (regardless of whether or not the Auto Flap Limiting System has failed).
AUTO/OVRD Selector:
Provides turn coordination and dutch roll damping. The Yaw damper operates continuously when power is applied to the acft, except during autoland localizer track and flare, and during engine out flight.
There are 2 Yaw Damper channels (A & B) for each of the two FCC’s (1 & 2). FCC 1 operates the lower rudder, and FCC 2 operates the upper rudder. If dual Y/D channels (A and B) fail on the same rudder surface, dual control is automatically maintained by the other FCC.
FAIL (illuminated)
OFF (illuminated)
The Elevator Feel System provides a simulated feel of elevator aerodynamic loads (as a function of airspeed). The system has two Auto channels, and a (pilot selectable) manual override system. ELF functions are performed by the Flight Control Computer.
ELEV FEEL (Selector)
MANUAL (illuminated)
FAIL (illuminated)
OFF (illuminated)
When slats are extended for T/O, cabin is pressurized to 100 ft below departure airport field elevation. Cabin will return to departure airport field elevation if aircraft descends before reaching 5,000 ft.
Controls the rate of depressurization, and seals any ports associated with the Air System that would allow entry of water after ditching
ON (Pressed and illuminated)
Allows selection between MANUAL and AUTO
Two alternating auto channels (1 primary, 1 stby)
SELECT (illuminated)
MANUAL (pressed and illuminated)
Allows manual selection of outflow valve position in manual mode
Indicates that the outflow valve is fully closed
The Anti-Ice “System” refers to ENG, WING, TAIL and WINDSHIELD Anti-Ice. When anti-ice is required, these should all be ON. The primary method of ice detection is the Ice Detection System. If an ICE DETECTED alert is displayed, Anti-Ice must be turned on.
If the aircraft is equipped with an operational Automatic Anti-Ice system, anti-ice will automatically engage when required.
Icing Conditions Definition
Icing conditions exist on the ground when:
Icing conditions exist in flight when:
Engine Run-up - GE
When anti-ice is used during ground operations in icing condit ions, perform an engine run -up of 60% N1 for 30 seconds prior to takeoff. This run -up should also be performed if anti-ice is used during ground operation for any period greater than 30 minutes, and repeated at intervals of no greater than 30 minutes.
Engine Run-up – P&W
When anti-ice is used during ground operations in icing conditions, perform a momentary engine run -up of (min) 50% N1 prior to takeoff. This run-up should also be performed at intervals of no greater than 15 minutes during ground operat ions with anti-ice on.
Switch Opens and closes respective engine anti-ice
shutoff valves.
-Illuminates when anti ice is on.
-Shutoff valve in transit, or remains illuminated if:
-Disagreement between switch and valve.
Opens and closes the wing / tail anti-ice shutoff valves
Wing A/I uses Air Sys 1 & 3 – Tail uses Air Sys 2
Pressing switch (MANUAL illum.) deselects the auto function, and allows pilot control of Eng, Wing and Tail Anti-Ice.
Note – Auto anti-ice is optional on MD-11s. If equipped with auto antiice, the system MUST be selected to MANUAL if the pilot wishes to override the auto function, and control anti-ice functions manually.
Turns Low heat to inner windshield pane on or off
OFF (light extinguished)
Under normal conditions, Defog should always
be on in flight. Defog automatically turns on
when electric power is applied to the aircraft.
Provides High or Normal heat to the windshield.
Anti-Ice system defaults to NORM when powered.
Switch turns power to the windshield anti-ice controller on / off
Windshield Anti-Ice is not controlled by the automatic anti-ice system (if applicable), and must be manually turned on when icing conditions are anticipated or encountered.
Each wiper has an OFF, SLOW, FAST speed. When selected OFF, the wiper and arm assembly move to the vertical parked position.
Operation on a dry surface is not recommended.
Alternate action switch that electrically overrides the fuel DUMP switch by reversing the signal and stopping the fuel dump sequence. Illuminates amber if dump valves have been commanded closed.
The fuel dump sequence can be restarted by pushing the FUEL DUMP
EMER STOP switch a second time.
Turns dome lights on and off.
Outer rheostat regulates intensity of overhead panel switchplate lighting.
Inner rheostat regulates intensity of overhead panel floodlights.
All lights are off when rheostats are turned completely counterclockwise.
Light intensity increases by turning rheostat in a clockwise direction.
Outer rheostat regulates intensity of instrument panel and pedestal switchplate lighting.
Inner rheostat regulates intensity of instrument panel and pedestal floodlights.
All associated lighting is off when rheostats are turned completely counterclockwise.
Turns on the standby compass light. ON illuminates blue.
When this button is pushed:
If EMER LTS TST PASS does not appear, batteries with abnormal voltage can be identified on the SD STATUS page MAINT column by pushing the button again.
Activates respective primary landing lights mounted on the forward fuselage.
Turns on nose gear landing lights for taxiing and landing. These lights will
only come on if landing gear control handle is in DOWN position.
Activates respective primary landing lights mounted on the forward fuselage.
Activates respective primary landing lights mounted on the forward fuselage.
Turns on position lights in each wing tip. The two left forward lights emit red lighting. The two right forward lights emit green lighting. The two aft lights in each wing tip emit white lighting.
Turns on logo light on horizontal stabilizer to illuminate vertical stabilizer.
Turns on beacon lights on top and bottom of aircraft.
Turns on supplemental high intensity recognition lights on each wing tip. Each wing tip has three lights (two forward and one aft). Lights flash in sequence with anticollision lights. Illuminates blue when high intensity lights are off.
Pushing the button will turn off the blue CALL light.
If any AFS land mode is selected with aircraft on ground, the ABS disarms
and the ABS DISARM light illuminates.
Push to select anti-skid off. Illuminates amber when anti-skid is selected off.
Turns on electric aux pump 1 to pressurize hydraulic system 3 if pressure is lost. Hydraulic system 3 powers brake system 2. Pump can also be turned on from the HYD control panel.
Pointer 1 shows hydraulic pressure in brake system 1. Pressure shown is highest of hydraulic system 1 or brake system 1 accumulator.
Pointer 2 shows hydraulic pressure in brake system 2. Pressure shown is highest of hydraulic system 3 or brake system 2 accumulator.
The SLAT STOW alert is displayed on the SD CONFIGURATION page. A SLAT DISAG alert is displayed when operating the SLAT STOW switch with slats extended.
Pushing the SLAT STOW switch with slats stowed and flaps extended extends the slats.
Pressing radio select button displays active and standby frequencies currently tuned for respective radio, and allows the pilot to change frequencies on that radio using the tuning knobs
Communication system select buttons are used to select the communication system from which transmissions will be made
Volume controls for respective Communication system
Brakes are fully applied for parking by positioning the handle aft. Pressure from brake system 1 and 2 is maintained with trapped fluid.
Illuminates amber when PARK BRAKE handle is set to park position. Will extinguish when parking brake is released.
The handles provide direct mechanical control of the horizontal stabilizer control valves. The trim handles have the same function as the electric control wheel trim switches, except that they have override authority over LSAS or autopilot inputs except in DUAL or SINGLE LAND mode.
Moving the handles together provides control of the horizontal stabilizer. Stabilizer movement rate is determined by airspeed and altitude. Both handles must be operated together to move the horizontal stabilizer.
The spoiler handle is used to either select automatic operating modes or to control the manual modes of the spoiler system.
When arming for automatic spoiler operation, the spoiler handle, which is spring-loaded to RET, must be at RET before it can be pulled up to armed. When armed (up), a red placard labeled ARM in white letters, is visible on
both sides of the handle.
When auto spoilers are armed, automatic operation is as follows:
Manual spoiler operation is as follows:
Lifting FLAP/SLAT handle up and pulling aft to latch in preselected takeoff DIAL-A-FLAP detent, 28° go-around gate, or 35°/50° landing flap detent, extends the flaps and the slats.
Rotating the FLAP T.O. SEL thumbwheel until the proper takeoff flap setting appears in the FLAP T.O. SEL indicator sets the takeoff DIAL-A-FLAP detent.
The 28° go-around detent has a gate/stop to prevent inadvertent extension/retraction of the flaps. The handle can be maneuvered past the gate/stop.
Lifting the handle up and aft past the go-around gate to either the 35° or the 50° landing detent extends landing flaps.
Lifting the handle out of the detent and moving it forward past the go-around gate retracts landing flaps.
Positioning the handle at the 0°/EXT detent (flaps retracted/slats extended) retracts the flaps without retracting the slats. Maneuvering the handle from the 0°/EXT detent gate to positively engage it in the FLAP UP/SLAT RET detent retracts the slats.
To prevent unintentional slat extension:
When retracting slats, be sure FLAP/SLAT handle is firmly engaged in the FLAP UP/SLAT RET detent.
After flap/slat retraction, do not push, pull, or otherwise manipulate the FLAP/SLAT handle unless extension is desired.
Indicates position of DIAL-A-FLAP detent. The detent position varies with the DIAL-A-FLAP setting.
Indicates the preselected DIAL-A-FLAP takeoff flap setting.
When rotated, sets the DIAL-A-FLAP takeoff flap setting for any flap setting
between 10° and 25°.
Pulling this switch will:
At about 45-52 percent the ENG START switch will pop in and the light will extinguish indicating that the starter air valve has closed. The MSC controls the start sequence. This switch cannot illuminate until the appropriate electrical bus is powered.
This switch supplies electrical power to a fuel metering device. The fuel metering device then operates the fuel shutoff valve. This switch illuminates red during engine fire and ENG/APU FIRE test. Moving the switch to the ON initiates ignition and fuel if the ENG START switch is out and the ENG IGN switch is selected A or B. The FSC automatically turns on the fuel pumps in tanks 1, 2, or 3 when the respective ENG START switch or FUEL switch is moved to ON.
Alt reporting is off by default in the cold and dark state. Alt reporting needs to be turned on to squawk mode C on vatsim.
Allows code selection. CLR key clears the selection.
Allows to trigger ATC IDENT